These Numbers are frequently cited.
A common example, which is frequently cited, is...
A common example, which is frequently cited, is ______.
That work is frequently cited on mind-control Web sites.
Were also too frequently cited in an unreflective way, she felt.
S. science papers are still the most frequently cited in the world.
It is frequently cited by international media outlets as a source of reliable information.
Batista was frequently cited as an anti-kidnapping expert at conferences and in the news media.
The most frequently cited reason why is that the company does not collect this information.
In patients with dementia, insomnia is also the most frequently cited reason for nursing home placement.
One of the most frequently cited studies analyzed data from a 1992 National Health and Social Life Survey.
Apart from aesthetics, the threat to migratory birds is the most frequently cited argument against wind farms.
E. g. "It should be recognized that other systems are frequently cited, particularly in engineering literature".
A frequently cited time frame, by some of Japan's most senior seismologists, is between now and the next ten months.
Difference in time zone, jet lag, lack of morning coffee - are frequently cited reasons as to why you're especially grouchy.
Considered one of the best football players of his generation and frequently cited as the world's best contemporary player.
It accounts for 40% of total world spending on research and development, and produces 63% of the most frequently cited publications.
The main reason the children gave for working was poverty: lack of food, clothing or money to go to school were frequently cited.
Recent statistics are hard to find, though a frequently cited FLOSS-POLS report from 2006 suggested that only 1.5% of open source contributors were women.
虽然难以找到最近的统计资料,但人们经常引用的2006年FLOSS - POLS报告表明,只有1.5%的开源贡献者是妇女。
In states that have stuck with different race distances for boys and girls, the most frequently cited reason is that coaches are resisting the change.
在那些坚持男生女生应该跑不同距离的原因中,最经常被引用的原因是教练抵制这种变化。 。
For example, one frequently cited Web 2.0 application is BitTorrent, which is not a Web site but rather a peer-to-peer file-sharing application and network.
例如,一个经常被提及的Web 2.0应用程序是BitTorrent,它不是Web站点而是一个对等文件共享应用程序和网络。
Ironically, advocating the Four Books being taught in college or not, almost everyone is familiar with certain frequently cited sentences from traditional classic books.
News & World Report survey of graduate school rankings, conducted in 2013, and in calculations of which department's scholars are most frequently cited in academic literature.
News & World Report)最近发布的一项2013年的研究生院调查,以及学者论文引用量的计算方面,都是如此。
In fact, in my consulting experience, no single aspect of requirements engineering is both 1 so frequently cited as vital to the engineering effort and 2 so frequently ignored in practice.
While there are numerous types of sharks, only four are most frequently cited in encounters with humans—the bull shark, the tiger shark, the great white shark and the oceanic white tip shark.
鲨鱼的种类有很多,而经常被载攻击人的只有四种 – 牛鲨(学名白真鲨)、虎鲨(学名居氏鼬鲨)、大白鲨(学名噬人鲨)、白鳍鲨(学名灰三齿鲨)
The most frequently cited reason was increasingly limited career prospects, according to the survey of more than 3,100 expats, defined as anyone over 18 living outside their country of origin.
“Be yourself, ” is another piece of frequently-cited wisdom that has become essentially meaningless.
Throughout or frequently; here and there. Used in textual annotation to indicate that something, such as a word or passage, occurs frequently in the work cited.