That is why I try to be surrounded by the strong mentalities.
I had to learn fast to understand the various mentalities I faced in my new role.
All of us, genius included, think on the base of the mentalities are already known.
Idealizing a change of mentalities in a new culture in which the man and the aesthetics are combined.
Different people react with the world in different ways and this happens according to peoples' different mentalities.
ChinaValue: Are there any critical differences of mentalities or characters between your generation and your successor's?
Positive Psychology is a new trend of thought who believe that positive mentalities are able to treat and prevent some disorders.
There's just something in their backgrounds or mentalities that makes it easier for them to understand the soldiers' point of view.
In Los Angeles, traditional Third World cultures are, for the first time, fusing with the most modern mentalities and technologies.
They're a great way to generate group-think and pack mentalities, but the end result is often missing the nuance we're looking for.
On the analysis of humanity, Mencius adopted the way to trace back to the root of kindness from individual inner mentalities and sensibilities.
Such realistic pressures and inner conflicts will bring about negative mentalities which give a negative influence on them and those in other grades.
America nearly controlled the whole peace process, in which the "big Israel idea" influences the peace process strongly and other mentalities are less important relatively.
The red color reflects the time and the society, portrays the characters and their mentalities, builds images and artistic conception, and materializes abundant aesthetic value.
In the article, four kinds of mentalities, ten sorts of competence, fourteen kinds of intelligence as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Liu Shao s multiple intelligence are analyzed.
As goals per game have decreased dramatically, overlapping full-backs are necessary to defeat tight AI formations and they only do so with low split mentalities and a reasonably wide formation.
The main point in this composite story is that creativity is not a solitary process. It happens within networks. It happens when talented people get together, when idea systems and mentalities merge.
negative mentality