The transaction-attr, isolation-level, run-as-mode, and re-entrant are taken directly from Sun_s XML EJB deployment descriptor format.
transaction - attr、isolation - level、run - as - mode和re - entrant直接取自sun的XML EJB部署描述符格式。
This structural change may result in a substrate that can support a wider spectrum of re-entrant ATs, which may co-exist in the same period.
Concurrency in the java.util.concurrent collection is enabled via re-entrant read-write locks and is now supported natively inside Terracotta 2.4.
concurrent中的集合的并发性是通过再入读写锁实现的,现在已经得到Terracotta 2.4的原生支持。
The re-entrant cavity has a resilient portion to facilitate the removal of the building product without detrimental affect to the hook-like protuberance.
Thus re-entrant section of code usually must use local variables only in such a way that each and every call to the code gets its own unique copy of data .
Under priority service discipline, the diffusion approximations for a three-stations reentrant networks and a class of the re-entrant networks were studied.
That's because only a few system calls can be safely called inside signals. Only calls that are re-entrant or not interruptible by signals can be called safely.
那是因为只有一些系统调用可以安全地调用内部信号:只有可重入的(re - entrant)或者不被信号中断的调用才可以被安全地调用。
This can happen if XML documents are parsed infrequently, or if the number of threads within your application varies widely (Xerces-C++ parsers are not re-entrant).
如果不经常解析 XML 文档,或者应用程序中的线程数量变化很大(Xerces-C++ 解析器不支持再次进入),就会出现这种情况。
In view of the multiple re-entrant characteristics of wafer manufacturing systems, this paper presents some concepts such as cycle time per layer and logical layer number.
A mechanical model of two-dimensional cellular materials with negative Poisson's ratio, composed of partly re-entrant and partly regular hexagons, was proposed based on rotation mechanism.
A new kind of combustion system of conical spray nozzle applying in re-entrant chamber is presented in this Paper, and experimental studies are made in 110 model single cylinder experimental engine.