But the ETS seems to go too far.
Unlike other Ets, they were unkind.
Europe's ETS has many obvious flaws (see article).
Europe's ETS made up about 80% of the total value.
Have you taken any ETS tests before? What do you think of them?
Yet the ETS was intended to cut European emissions as well as Chinese ones.
A carbon price now exists, established by the European Emissions-Trading Scheme (ETS).
The ETS makes up the vast bulk of the global carbon market, which will be worth around $122 billion this year.
Poland wants fiddly changes that might make it easier to keep burning coal and not be bankrupted by the ETS.
The trick of managing both to save jobs and the planet will mostly be left to the EU’s Emissions-Trading Scheme (ETS).
ETS sends an E-mail to each evaluator inviting them to access the ETS PPI system to complete the student's evaluation.
ETS TOPE has been specifically designed for those individuals who will need to use English in their employment in China.
Even though it scrapped the planned changes, ETS said it is still considering whether to increase the price of the exam.
{10} ETS说,即使取消了对GRE考试的修改计划,ETS仍在考虑是否提高考试的收费。
If you need an assessment of your English skills to use in business and in other occupations in China, consider ETS TOPE.
ETS will send communications to affected GRE test takers so that they are informed of these details by Saturday Oct. 30, 2010.
For more information about the iSkills assessment, contact an ETS advisor at 1-800-745-0269 or by emailing highered@ets.org.
ETS will not give a word per minute speed because we believe that all test takers will have enough time to complete the tasks.
The Waxman-Markey bill covers more of the American economy than the ETS does of Europe’s, and takes a far more generous approach to offsets.
But now, with the introduction of ETS PPI, we have a tool that allows for accurate and valid measures of these critical personal attributes.
Instead, any contact with ETs should be limited to mathematical discourse "until we have a better idea of the type of ETI we are dealing with."
It is difficult to measure ETS removal rates in outdoor Settings since outdoor conditions are highly variable and change rapidly. (Page III-13).
The climate committee must decide by late 2011 the best way to put a price on greenhouse-gas emissions: an ETS, a carbon tax or a hybrid of both.
Founded in 1947, ETS is the world's largest private, nonprofit educational testing and measurement organization and a leader in education research.
The first is the allowances given to companies in the five dirty industries covered by the ETS (electricity, oil, metals, building materials and paper).
ETS figures show that the Chinese now account for about 10 per cent of its global TOEFL examinees — the most in the world — and the number is growing.
The online registration process is designed and operated by Thomson Prometric (r), the company that ETS USES for its worldwide computer-based testing.
该在线报名项目由Thomson Prometric (r)公司负责设计和组织实施。Thomson Prometric (r)公司是由美国教育考试服务中心指定的开展全球机考工作的公司。
Another beneficial outcome the authors entertain sees humanity triumph over a more powerful alien aggressor, or even being saved by a second group of ETs.
One of the report's authors, Cameron Hepburn, reckons that China will "almost certainly" adopt a national ETS or some alternative measure before Australia does.
报告的作者之一卡梅隆·赫伯恩(Cameron Hepburn)认为,中国“几乎肯定”能在澳大利亚之前采取该国的ETS或其他措施。