Plants entirely hirsute except inside flowers.
You're looking very hirsute, Richard are you growing a beard?
When wheat and wild around hirsute, strong as shag boiled soup.
Often the magnetic people are of Asian descent and thus not typically hirsute.
Conclusion the patients of hirsute decreased the activity of treatment with CC.
Instead of the peaceful hirsute ornamentof the past he is now marring his face with a lot of bristles.
This makes it likely that geneticists will publish the complete genome of this hirsute beast before long.
Racemes 1-4, axillary from uppermost leaves, villous or hirsute with multicellular hairs; bracts broadly linear, longer than pedicel.
总状花序1 - 4,从最上部的叶,具长柔毛或具粗毛具多细胞毛腋生;苞片宽线形,长于花梗。
Leaves densely hirsute especially on veins of abaxial surface. Flowers opposite. Corolla tube conspicuously puberulent annulate inside.
In the 1960s both skinheads and hirsute hippies were challenging the uniformity of a generation that had received its formative haircuts while in uniform.
Men also have hair dryers and if they suffer from baldness they use a growth stimulator buy hairpieces or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
Men also have hair dryers and, if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
Awarded to Manuel Barbeito at the Industrial Health and Safety Office in Maryland for scientific studies that found microbes cling to beards, making more hirsute men a potential laboratory hazard.