He drank his brandy almost bottoms up.
To our prosperity of sign, bottoms up !
He drank his whiskey almost bottoms up.
Let's bottoms up.
Bottoms up, need someone to lead off overture.
How to apply Lean Six Sigma in driving results in bottoms up economics?
While toasting, usually need to drink off the alcoholic in the cup, so call bottoms up.
Ice Age folk who lived in what's now southwestern England gruesomely went from heads off to bottoms up.
Sometime, bottoms up the mutual still need to meet with wine cup, quare it is again been called to touch a cup.
When the body is dehydrated, the blood flow to the organ slows and functions decrease. Goodness gracious, that's scary. Bottoms up!
Then the host propria persona after toasting the bottoms up should send present in return host to themselves, with he again do one cup.
The one who approach bottoms up, can be to wishing the host, main guest of alcoholic verba, can be the body of any other present alcohol.
Should drink while drinking champagne bottoms up the alcoholic in the moiety cup is also proper, but want to do what the strength allows.
The first step of the process was to perforate, and after the guns were fired, to circulate bottoms up to handle any possible influx of gas.
Having just learned that he had won the state lottery, Jones walked into the nearest bar and announced, "Bottoms up, everyone! The drinks are on me!"
But those rare instances aren't stopping Westerners from raising their pinky fingers in salute to green tea and all its nutritional virtues. Bottoms up!
At the western party, cross nearby of body, and with mutually be apart from farther wish alcoholic bottoms up, particularly crossing bottoms up, also disallow.
While toasting, in response to raise wine cup, go to dipeptide highly critical kilowatt hour, stomodaeum"bottoms up" behind, quaff in one gulp alcoholic, or drink a moiety, or fairness of quantity.
Manners are also a problem; one firm cited applicants who show up for an interview in "scruffy tracksuit bottoms and trainers, and grunt."
Wave action applied pressure to the bottoms and sides, and the pressure propagated up through the ice to the surface.
By having the model softly rotate the bottoms of her hands towards the camera and break the wrists and hands up, the hands look more feminine and show less tension.
Manners are also a problem; one firm cited applicants who show up for interview in “scruffy track-suit bottoms and trainers, and grunt”.
We'll build the EJB-based WeatherForecast Web service using a common bottoms-up approach, as described in the following steps.
The haunted, Aphex Twin-sampling "Blame Game" bottoms out with a verse in which Kanye's voice is sped up, slowed down and stretched out.
那首萦绕心头,采样了Aphex Twin的“ Blame Game ”随着一段词句走出低谷,其中,Kanye的声音被加快,放慢,亦拉长。
Fight Chun Xuan to hang up lip jeer, melodrama several bottoms, threw an side, proceeded to downwards disassemble a packaging.
There was a thin, token layer of the stuff to mark the opening of the season, but it pretty soon got trudged back up the tunnel on the bottoms of players' boots.