1 词典释义:
oxford dictionary
时间: 2025-03-18 02:45:10


  • Trevor grinned. "That's what the Oxford dictionary, 2006 edition says."


  • The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists "garbage mitt"—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favored by garbage men.


  • Oxford dictionary adds popular Chinese terms.


  • Trevor grinned. "Oxford dictionary, 2006 edition."


  • Now I think about it, it was Oxford Dictionary.


  • The word has been added to the Oxford dictionary.


  • 'the Oxford Dictionary' is the best authority on English.


  • 'the Oxford Dictionary' is the best authority on English words.


  • If so, the Oxford Dictionary of English would like to recognize your achievements.


  • The Oxford Dictionary of English gives definition of crass as “showing no intelligence or sensitivity.”


  • The Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2001) has no less than seven definitions of the noun "model."

    简明牛津词典(牛津大学出版社,2001)关于名词“model”至少有 7 种以上的定义。

  • "Selfie," taking a picture of yourself to post on social media, became an official word in the Oxford dictionary in 2013.


  • “It means adding the numbers together then dividing it by the number of figures,” Trevor grinned. “Oxford dictionary, 2006 edition.”

    “根据2006版牛津字典,它就是说把所有的数字加到一起,然后除以数字的个数。” 特雷咧着嘴,笑着打趣道。

  • "It means adding the Numbers together then dividing it by the number of figures." Trevor grinned. "Oxford dictionary, 2006 edition."


  • "Pocket Oxford dictionary" the preface said, should not give multivocal word list some itself is synonym for polysemy as definitions.


  • It is one of the new generation Oxford dictionaries derived from the database of the highly acclaimed new Oxford Dictionary of English.


  • The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists garbage mitt-a new one on me-that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favoured by garbage men.


  • According to the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium in the Byzantine civilization people figured that there were 12 hours in the day and 12 in the night.


  • "feels grateful", the Oxford dictionary gives the definition is: "is glad obtains the advantage gratitude to present, and back coupling other people".


  • The concise Oxford dictionary of idioms received a lot of, because, for users to grasp the correct meaning of idioms and the correct usage is very necessary.


  • Oxford dictionary MAC version is published by Oxford University press a variety of English dictionary referred to, is the representative of the English language dictionary.


  • Strangely, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology seems to agree with Brewer’s and not with the OED—it’s fellow Oxford University Press publication, in blaming galoshes on the Gauls.

