Before attaining rational age, the kid can't accept idea, but can accept image.
"No! No!" The little stream could not accept this idea.
I really can't accept the idea.
But gradually more countries have come to accept the idea that incarceration-under terms laid down by the state-is one of the things which the private sector might do more efficiently.
Jackson did not give up his idea. For more than a year, he continued to urge Van Buren to accept the offer.
That was the idea behind the Kyoto protocol, which aims to cut greenhouse-gas emissions by getting countries to accept binding targets with timetables attached.
Mr Sarkozy tends to propose only what he knows Mrs Merkel will accept, such as the idea of a European tax on financial transactions.
If you intentionally connect those emotions with your idea, the audience will accept your perspective more readily.
When your mind is relaxed and you accept an idea, your subconscious goes to work to execute the idea.
While Israel's leader refused to accept the two-state idea, it was unbridgeable.
I don't expect the makers of expensive devices to accept this idea quickly.
The idea that time is finite is a very hard reality to accept.
I refuse to accept the idea that the 'isness' of man's present condition makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal 'oughtness' that forever confronts him.
If we accept this idea, then there's a very strong case for Knapp and Michaels being right. Really there's no significant or important difference between language and speech.
The claim asserts a conclusion — an idea, an opinion, a judgment, or a point of view - that the writer wants you to accept.
Acknowledging that the Ganges is polluted means believing that it can be polluted, an idea many devout Hindus once refused to accept.
Others will accept that genes are replicators but reject the idea of memes.
If we accept the idea of weight being indicated by the tension in a string then there is a very interesting consequence of that.
The works in this series ask viewers to suspend disbelief and to accept the idea that all creatures evolved from the same cell and can therefore genetically mutate.
Some people cannot accept the idea that animals might have intelligence so that they are even more surprised at the suggestion that machine might.
Accept responsibility for your idea.
Please advise me whether I(should)accept the idea.
If you stop joking about how having a second child is a bad thing for them and teach them about the fun of having siblings as companions, they would be happy to accept the idea, she wrote.
她写道: 馆“如果你不再用如果有了弟弟/妹妹对孩子来说是多么可怕来开玩笑,并且告诉孩子有一个兄弟姐妹作为同伴其实很有意思,其实孩子们是很乐意接受这个主意的。”
For a time his grandmother found it hard to accept his new idea.