近12年出现 0 次
n 狂想曲
n. 狂想曲
a free instrumental composition in one extended movement, typically one that is emotional or exuberant in character
The Rhapsody demand, however, keeps going.
Japanese version of the Rhapsody environment.
Save a model as a previous version of rhapsody.
Almost anyone can recognize Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.
Rational Rhapsody 7.5 can save a model for Rhapsody 7.4.
Rational Rhapsody 7.5可以为Rhapsody 7.4保存一个模型。
Martin paused from his rhapsody, only to break out afresh.
No. 2: Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 in C-sharp minor, by Franz liszt.
Rational Rhapsody usability is a focus area for each product release.
对于每一个产品版本来说,Rational Rhapsody可用性是一个十分受关注的领域。
Rational Rhapsody 7.5 supports refactoring by renaming model elements.
Rational Rhapsody 7.5通过重命名模型元素来支持重构。
Enhancements to the Rhapsody family of products and complementary solutions.
You must sign into your Rhapsody account to get unlimited full length tracks.
Using Rhapsody, I played entire Web pages of recommended songs with one click.
Rhapsody has tried the tactic before, offering two-week and 60-day free trials.
Launch Rhapsody by opening the following example that is provided with the product.
This feature is available for Rational Rhapsody version and later versions.
这种特性可以在Rational Rhapsody版本7.4.0.1以及后续版本中使用。
You can make changes in either DOORS or Rhapsody and update the data appropriately.
Rational Rhapsody 7.5.2 assists with the development of multicore products by providing.
Rational Rhapsody V7.5.2通过提供以下的功能可以帮助开发多核的产品。
Like, Orff's o Fortuna, Rhapsody in Blue is featured in many movies and television shows.
Rhapsody USES this information to prevent errors during configuration management operations.
Use of rich text formatting in the Rhapsody model description fields throughout the document.
Last year, Rhapsody did an experiment in elastic demand that suggested it could be a lot more.
The Rational Rose import function can now import Japanese names into Rational Rhapsody as labels.
Rational Rose导入功能现在就可以导入日本名到Rational Rhapsody作为标签了。
Improve local language use with the Japanese language version of the Rational Rhapsody environment.
使用Rational Rhapsody环境的日语版本来优化本地语言的使用。
First, to install the Rational Test RealTime integration for Rhapsody, you completed these steps.
首先,为了安装Rational Test RealTime integration for Rhapsody,您可以完成以下步骤。
Representing allocation information is easily in a comment using the Rational Rhapsody 7.5.1 solution.
使用Rational Rhapsody V7.5.1解决方案在评论中可以轻松显示分配信息。
The code can be used within the Rhapsody model and compiled and linked into your Rhapsody project.
MySpace won't say how big its song library is but admits it trails rivals like Rhapsody and iTunes.
You can find more detailed information about the new features in the Rational Rhapsody Information Center.
您可以在 Rational Rhapsody 信息中心 中找到关于新特性更多具体的信息。
For a complete list of new features, check the Help section of the Rational Rhapsody Gateway release notes.
对于新特性的完整列表,您可以查看Rational Rhapsody Gateway发布文本的Help部分。