The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》So in the month you collect the revenue from a big customer, you might be cash flow positive, but your Income Statement would show the business operating at a loss.
The VOA sets the rates for different types of property, and local authorities collect them as their primary source of revenue.
We will collect both tax and non-tax revenue in accordance with the law and to the fullest extent possible to ensure a steady increase in government revenue.
Data audit and monitor system is a system that collect data from business supporting system and check these data to find the data inconsistency in order to prevent revenue leakage.
Enterprises shall recognize revenue when merchandise shipped, service provided as well as money collected or rights to collect money obtained.
Issue a one-time charitable tax number through Canada Revenue Agency to community organizations that collect relief funds;
To collect and report all data every month concerning the guest activities e. g. cost, revenue, headcount etc.