The 10 'Tightest' And 'Loosest' countries.
When trying it on, always start on the loosest clasp.
When trying a new bra, always fasten the middle or loosest hook.
And it is an organisation only in the loosest sense of the term.
Although Brazil loosest, but Ronaldo broke the maximum goal record of the World Cup.
And even they are "wheeled organisms" in the loosest use of the term, since they use rolling as a form of locomotion.
The computations and discussions were made for the loosest assembling pattern of soil particles with equal diameter.
If your site comes back as HTML 4.01 transitional-basically, the loosest possible choice-then you're good, anyway, because you've got a low bar to meet.
如果您的站点返回到HTML 4.01过渡版—这基本上是最松散的可能选择—那么不管怎么样您都是好的,因为您要进入的是一个低门栏。
While a catch block with a System.err.println() statement might be considered error-handling in the loosest sense of the word, it's a pretty poor approach.
不精确地讲,包含 System.err.println() 语句的 catch 块可以被认为是错误处理,这是一个非常拙劣的方法。