These hovercrafts can easily outpace most boats.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The Japanese economy will continue to outpace its foreign rivals for years to come.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Travelling at speeds of up to thirty five knots, these hovercraft can easily outpace most boats.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Yes, the universe itself will eventually outpace the speed of light.
有啥能比光速更快吗? Yes,我们所处宇宙自身的速度最终就将超过光速。
The demands of our business consistently outpace available technology resources.
But the question still remains - will mobile Web apps one day outpace native applications?
Figure 1: SSDs easily outpace the 15,000 RPM HDDs commonly used for enterprise applications.
图1:ssd轻松超过常用于企业应用的15,000 rpm hdd。
Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.
The corrosive effects of water in those conditions would outpace Bermudan reefs' ability to grow.
They're the biggest generation since the Boomers now and will eventually outpace them in Numbers.
World oil demand is expected to outpace supplies later this year by the widest margin since 2007.
The Valley's campaign donations to Democrats still greatly outpace those made to Republican candidates.
A new global poll shows that most countries expect China to soon outpace the U. S. -and they're OK with that.
India may also outpace China this decade for the simple reason that it is poorer, giving it more scope to catch up.
And then outpace even China, that's not impossible, people are beginning to talk about outpacing China, "Chidambaram said."
The overall box office continues to outpace last year, with ticket sales up by nearly 7.7% and attendance up by more than 3.6%.
These increases, at least in the near term, reinforce OPEC trends and suggest that supply will continue to outpace demand in 2010.
As he trains for the race, Mr Murakami MUSES on his tragic efforts to outpace ageing, in a doomed bid to reduce his rising race times.
"Our strategy was that diesel sales around the globe are going to outpace gasoline, so we did something different," Heminger told Fortune.
Over the next five years Africa is likely to take the lead. In other words, the average African economy will outpace its Asian counterpart.
Although only a handful of economists think India's growth will outpace China's next year, a larger number believe it will do so this decade.