The children clumped down the stairs.
《牛津词典》However, when you're all clumped up, snipe happens.
Mine were 70 for both Intensity and Contrast, and Clumped for grain type.
A combination of parachromatin clearing with irregularly clumped chromatin.
To clumped populations, those are identical with the characters of clumped populations.
Blood is rich is scarlet and when it is clumped together or dries it appears almost black.
And clumped on top of each other in the middle are the majority of Tangential consumer products.
And, in general, countries shouldn't be clumped together because each requires a distinct strategy.
These atoms clumped first into galaxies, then stars, inside whose fiery furnaces all the other elements were forged.
If a pixel with the same value is found on any of the four sides of pixel, the two pixels will be clumped together.
Most people who did great things were clumped together in a few places where that sort of thing was done at the time.
Unity biology does not catch dreams that are clumped together in this manner unless there is karma for the experience.
This turned out to be a problem because at high concentrations the adenovirus clumped together, again becoming unstable.
Earlier work had suggested that dark matter seeded the early universe, acting as nuclei around which visible matter clumped into galaxies.
Simply put, all of the dietary variables recorded on the questionnaire were entered into a statistical package to see how they clumped together.
Simply put, all of the dietary variables recorded on the questionnaire were entered into a statistical package to see how they clumped together.
First, dust particles clumped together to form cosmic dustballs. Bursts of heat from the primitive sun melted the dustballs, which solidified into chondrules.
Lots of systems suffer from the extremes: clumped, lengthy code with little abstractions, or an overly designed system with unnecessary complexity and unused code.
Pathologic examination of skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of PXE, showing calcium deposition and fragmented, clumped elastic fibers in the deep reticular dermis.
The latest result suggests it is more widely spread than the visible matter that is clumped together to form galaxies, with implications for how those galaxies formed.
His old shoes clumped soundly in the dust as he walked, and his gray-black locks, now grown rather long, straggled out in a dramatic fringe or halo from under his hat.
A central nervous system-in which specialised sensory and motor nerve cells are clumped together into a nerve cord and brain-is usually the mark of more recent evolution.
On areas of the skin that have years of frequent and prolonged sun exposure, age spots appear when melanin becomes "clumped" or is produced in particularly high concentrations.
Waveguides are ridges on the surface of a chip that can direct optical signals; polysilicon is a type of silicon that consists of tiny, distinct crystals of silicon clumped together.