What have you done since leaving CSI?
She also looked good in a CSI uniform.
The CSI effect can also be positive, however.
But CSI is not an interactive shell, not a REPL.
The CSI Effect: How TV Influences True crime.
You are watching the latest episode of CSI Miami.
Wow, wouldn’t that be so CSI-like to solve it so quickly?
Just don't investigate CSI-style with a black light.
You extend the CSI views by adding a new action to the views toolbar.
通过向views工具栏添加新操作来扩展CSI views。
So researchers in Israel have developed a rapid test -using a CSI tool.
Now another American researcher has demonstrated that the "CSI effect" is indeed real.
The cast of 'CSI: Miami' tries to unravel a killer's clues on an episode airing May 24.
《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》(‘CSI: Miami’)将于5月24播出的一集中,演员们正尝试解开杀手的线索。
Meanwhile, Sela Ward joins the cast as a new CSI who has relocated from Washington, d.c..
与此同时,Sela Ward加入剧组,扮演一位从华盛顿调任来的CSI。
CSI also became the first series in decades to really take advantage of its Las Vegas setting.
When describing a crime scene, a CSI makes factual observations without drawing any conclusions.
We expect a strong participation of CSI Chinese members who have identified this issue as a key one.
我们希望被认为此议题的重要成员- CSI中国成员的强烈参与。
CSI accepts an input file and compiles the source code on the fly, finally executing the resulting assembly.
The relationship between symptoms of headache, cranial nerve and skull base bone invasion and CSI was analyzed.
The writers of the TV series CSI have a challenge: Their investigators need to solve crimes on a one-hour program.
The CSI 9330 is the latest in Emerson's line of vibration transmitters which include multi-sensor as well as wireless solutions.
CSI 9330是艾默生振动变送器生产线中的最新款式,其包括了多传感器及无线解决方案系统。
Specifics of her comeback are being kept under lock and key, but my CSI mole assures me that she "won't be appearing in a flashback."
We see it all the time on shows like Bones and CSI. Skeletal remains can yield all sorts of clues—gender, age, past physical traumas.
The CSI Views are not necessarily public APIs, but because they are exposed as Eclipse extensions they are available to write against.
CSI Views 不必是公有 API,但是因为它们是作为 Eclipse 扩展公开的,所以可以编写它们。
There are 61 photos were taken of Jackson's body before and during the procedure - way more than you see taken by examiners on CSI or NCIS.
A formula of harmonic current amplitude for CSI PWM is derived in this paper. An objective function of pulsating torque is also derived.
Fans of TV drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation have started a grassroots online campaign to persuade departing cast member Jorja Fox to stay.
"Did you know we have our own CSI [Crime Scene Investigation] team?" asks the website of Ontario's government, citing an American television show.