He climbed over, approached the ell, and looked in at the sitting-room window, for a light was burning there.
We have enough time to do the work ell.
The cloth ashes ell.
Week of Magic: ell cost halved during attles.
He has fallen ell and suffered fever for a week.
My father added an ell and enclosed a side porch.
With his help, I have been doing ell in my studies.
I asked her to stay, for I had something to ell her.
Yes. I'm sorry, but how do you ell your last name, Sir?
Provide both theoretical and practical ELL design advice.
Precision (Protection) now increases ell hit chance as well.
On the contrary, the amount of defoliation of 25% reach the ElL.
You can ring my - ell, ring my bell ( my bell, ding - a -- a - ling ).
你可以摇响我的铃,摇响我的铃。 ( 我的铃, 丁呤呤, 丁呤呤)
The embedding part includes volute socket ring, tail water taper pipe, tail water ell, pit liner and so on.
To find these items, you need the address called a Uniform Resource Locator or URL (pronounced "you are ell").
Procedure regarding testing and retesting of color assessors must be followed as specified by Muns-ell procedure.
The variational bases for large deformed finite elements of plate and sh- ell by quasi-conforming model are studied.
It is ell known, for example, that Newton solved many of his toughest problems when his attention was waylaid by private musings.
Ell PJ, Gambhir SS. Nuclear medicine in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Third edition. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Publisher, 2004.
A 300-square-foot family room built into the first-floor ell has a fireplace and a pellet stove, rough wood-beam ceilings and bright-blue trim.
The minority game model is a very simple model th at can simulate the internal dynamics of a market where agents can only buy ors ell one commodity.
QCIE boasts a first-class teaching team. Our teachers are fully trained and highly qualified in their respective fields as well as having a strong ELL background.
In Holl's work, the Ell is the formal equivalent to the figure of the Panhandle: something that with a bit of something else changes our reading of that something.
A smaller, more enclosed private space is developed in the ell of each of the barracks units. This helps create a desirable residential character within the complex.
Nepoleon re- ascends a Huang, is compelled for him to abdicate in one year ago, keep under house arrest in Mediterranean of ell Ba Dao3 of the affairs revenged, snow hate.
Through the modification of the capability system EROS , the modified EROS can ell support the application attestation and improve the system's security and trusting degree.
通过对能力系统EROS 进行改进,使其充分支持应用证明,并提高系统的安全性及可信性。
Other requests have included asking for embassy staff to pay a bill when a credit card had "maxed out" and a traveller asking "Can you t ell me how to make my naughty son behave?"
Excite - the magnetic wave energy is generated the LR Far Infrared ray Molecule resonance. To cause the heat-lead reaction; Excite the nature resistance; Strengthen the ell antibody.