According to the distinctive sound effects, apparently there's a force field. Whatever you say, Vampire Diaries!
It's such a distinctive sound, the pitch is probably recognised around the globe. Most people have heard it and, sadly for some, they dread it.
With voice-guided programming, illuminated screen, animated visual effects, distinctive sound schemes, and PIN code and playback confirmation, the lockset is easy to program and use.
In Istria and Kvarner, native instruments like sopila, curla and diple make a distinctive regional sound.
在伊斯的利亚半岛和Kvarner,本土的乐器如sopila, curla和diple能够演奏出极具地方特色的音乐。
For example, Liverpudlians tend to add a breathy “h” sound to words that end with a “t”, lending their distinctive intonation to “what”, “that” and “but”.
By the late 1940s, he was already employing modern classical ideas such as polytonality and dissonance, and working in unusual time signatures to create a distinctive jazz sound.
Therefore, this festival in both a sweeping new grave my bitter tears, and Ta-Qing play the sound of laughter, is a distinctive holiday.
" It's a decades-old audio recording of a very distinctive scream that has become a "pet sound effect" to many sound editors.
The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge listeners.
Attempting to inhale air into the lungs between coughs can produce a distinctive, high-pitched whooping sound.
To be exact, a phoneme is not a sound; it is a collection of distinctive phonetic features.
The Taihu Lake, famed mountains, town of bamboo and ancient town are HuZhou four sound tourist brands with distinctive local features.
It can help you to heard the distinctive voice when you click your mouse and keyboard. there are 12 sound plans and choices can make different sounds.
This chapter also tries to analyze his distinctive artistic features from the perspective of smooth montage, melodic sound effect and well-designed image plane composition.
And they found that the sound make by wings flapped in terror includes a distinctive sort of whistle.
They are well-known for the unique clicking sound they use like sonar to locate food as well as obstacles. Every dolphin has its distinctive individual whistling sound used for communication.
The string of choice for rock musicians worldwide, known for distinctive bright sound and excellent intonation.
But it is an abstract unit. A phoneme is not a sound, it is a collection of distinctive phonetic features.