Blacklisting of tracks from the music library.
Whitelisting and blacklisting-the theory is very simple.
Blacklisting would make it hard for American firms to function there.
Blacklisting: in this approach, all characters in the blacklist are filtered out from the input.
The biggest challenge with blacklisting is to ensure that all dangerous characters are listed.
The goal of blacklisting is to force Internet Service Providers to crack-down on customers who send spam.
Since it isn't possible to foresee all possible combinations of input, blacklisting often fails to validate correctly.
The Blacklisting check is a mandatory step for DEDUPE in the credit facility application period and cannot be omitted.
Recipient Blacklisting - allows you to define specific email addresses or domains that you wish to control email communication to.
In general, Americans are comfortable with Mr Obama's preference for talking to troublesome foreigners, rather than blacklisting them.
Rather than stripping out characters you don't want (blacklisting), you are stripping out all characters except for those you have explicitly stated are acceptable.
In particular, be careful of using the auto-blacklisting service built into spam solutions, as they add all E-mail addresses identified as spam to the blacklists.
Another quick tip - whenever you're building a new site, think about blacklisting a set of vanity URLs (and maybe learn a little bit about bad URL design from Quora's URLs).
另一个快速提示——每当你构建一个新的站点时,考虑一下这一组不实用的URL的黑名单列表(或许可从Quora的UR L中了解到一点糟糕的URL设计)。
At the same time, we need to establish a complete catalogue of enterprises with irregular operations and a system of blacklisting, and ensure their rigidity through technical methods.
All of our merchandise is available stocks, but because limited number of merchandise, so the customer whose didn't bank in in 3 days of purchasing, we will cancel the order and blacklisting.