Formidable hybrid of unicorn and Pegasus.
On the Pegasus, who was known as "the Cylon-interrogator"?
I think the song named the Fantasy of Pegasus is very newby.
Flying high in the autumn sky is the mythical winged horse Pegasus.
Let's say that we wanted to create a Pegasus object for an application.
Pegasus continues onward, ignoring the command given to him by Kratos.
天马却继续向前飞行, 完全不理睬奎托斯的命令。
The Pegasus Theatre is an Oxford-based arts centre established in 1962.
Before commanding the Pegasus, what was Barry Garner's role on that ship?
This is the default CIM namespace that comes with your Pegasus installation.
这是来自于 Pegasus 安装的缺省 CIM 命名空间。
The best restaurant, Pegasus, has only one table occupied: your correspondent's.
The Great Square of Pegasus sparkles over your eastern horizon at early evening.
This section lists the steps needed to download, compile, and test the Pegasus CIMOM.
本部分列出了下载、编译和测试 Pegasus CIMOM 的步骤。
If Pegasus is set up correctly, you will see an instance of Linux_OperatingSystem.
But a launch using Pegasus would cost many times the price that Virgin is talking about.
This planet is orbiting a star in the Pegasus constellation some 50 light years away.
Another game is the smaller Pegasus game, I do the Pegasus mother, she'll do it baby.
One way to find the galaxy is by finding the Great Square in the constellation Pegasus.
The intension of Pegasus is to break with the image and appearance of current wheelchairs.
The install instructions are provided later in the section install the Pegasus CIMOM of this paper.
本文的安装Pegasus CIMOM部分将提供安装指导。
It is 128 light years from Earth, and is just visible to the naked eye in the constellation of Pegasus.
Pegasus UltraSwitch data shows slow, but encouraging signs of improvement for the hospitality industry.
Pegasus Ul traSwitch的数据表明酒店行业显示出了缓慢但是令人鼓舞的增长迹象。
On a dark, moonless November night, let the Great Square of Pegasus guide you to the Circlet of Pisces.
In this case, creating Pegasus as a subclass of Horse makes sense because it expresses a relationship between the two classes.
Its most noticeable star pattern is the Great Square of Pegasus: four second magnitude stars marking the body of the horse.
The water in the stream is small Pegasus can drink the water, and the river is the Pegasus juniorsto swimming fishing area.
The Square of Pegasus is a great jumping off point for finding the famous Andromeda galaxy, also known to astronomers as M31.
Pegasus Solutions has reported a + 34.3 percent global year-on-year increase in April 2010 revenue for bookings made through the GDS.
Pegasus Solutions报告指出2010年4月全球通过GDS预订的酒店客房收入与去年同期相比增长了34.3%。