A non smoking seat, ple ase.
A window seat, ple ase.
Ple ase call in police to restore order.
Ple a se give me a check in fa vor of another person.
A lot of success 'ful 'peo 'ple can "t speak Eng 'lish."
Ple also confirm if you can produce these items in color according to our pantone colors.
Objective To study the clinical and imaging features of paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (PLE).
Pe ple learnt the songs from their families, relatives, neighbours and friends in the same village.
This paper discusses the modeling of multi ple dynamic parameters with hierarchical prior information.
This paper presents the work princi-ple. hardware design. two settlement ways of sensor of the instrument.
The potency and safety of thyroid artery embolization by Pingyangmycin Lipiodol Emulsion (PLE) were observed.
Conclusion: PLE has the devascular effect, it can be used for intra arterial embolization of hypervascular tumor.
In the current economic downturn, the firm has no doubt already laid off a good number of bright young peo-ple like Ms Clinton.
The paper introduced the basic conception of math of relation database model, N-ple relation, fordered N-ple and fordered sets.
It defines n-ple derivative, n-ary absolutely continuous function, generalized n-ple primitive function and Newton n-ple integral.
The microspheres were in good shape. CONCLUSION The encapsulation efficiency of microspheres is high, and the preparation method is sirn-ple.
Conclusion FPLT could be obtained after PLE was injected to the target lung, and target bronchia obstructed with broncho-occluder by catheter.
Accurate test results can be obtained with sim2 ple operation. The system has good performance and reliability which has been used in practice.
It expounded special functions of hydraulic coupling used in the drive of multi-drums and malti-ple heads mounted on long distance belt conveyer.
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of pingyangmycin-lipiodol emulsion(PLE) embolization to treat cavernous hemangioma of liver(CHL).
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of pingyangmycin-lipiodol emulsion (PLE) embolization to treat cavernous hemangioma of liver (CHL).
Objective To study potential years of life lost (PYLL), direct burden of economy and the potential lost of economy (PLE) of dead cases by injury in Lanzhou.
目的了解伤害住院死亡病例的潜在减寿年数、直接 经济 负担及潜在 经济损失的状况。
A simple friend antic history. A real friend could blackmail you ple friend thinks the friendship is over ent. A real friend calls you after you had a fight.
The Starkshift of PC peaks relative to ple ones gives a clear indication to the distribution of electricfield in MQW region and the validity of depletion model.
Under different water regimes, spike number per plant (SNP), effective spikelet per spike (ESPS) and peduncle length (PLE) contribute a lot to the stable grain yield.
Purpose: To investigate the pathological features and its significance of hypervascular tumor after intra arterial embolization with pingyangmycin lipiodol emulsion (PLE).
Discovering that I was only self-possessed with peo - ple I knew intimately, I would often go to a strange house where I knew I would spend a wretched hour for schooling sake.
The Claim Jumper chaim has been in business for 20 years and most outlets are in California where peo ple like the large meals which are the restaurant chain ’ s claim to fame.
“克莱姆 • 江珀”连锁店开业已有 20 年,多数开设在加州,因为那里的人热衷吃大餐,因此餐馆也享有声誉。
For exam- ple, the “slowfood” movement, which encourages the longer, savory experience of eating agradually cooked meal at a restaurant, has emerged as the antithesis tofast food.