A Kraken, or William Blake.
That sounds like the Kraken to me.
He defeats Hades' creatures and turns Kraken to stone.
Kraken Opus was established purely to deliver that goal.
Kraken Opus的成立纯粹是为了达成这一目标。
But what is a Kraken, and why would anyone want to release it?
What other Opuses has Kraken produced, and do they plan to produce?
About a century later, science finally attached a zoological name to the Kraken.
Stories of the Kraken were likely inspired by a real Marine monster: the Giant squid (Architeuthis).
In the new film "Clash of the Titans," Zeus, king of the gods, barks the order to "Release the Kraken!"
在新电影“世纪对神榜”(Clash of the Titans)里,众神之王—宙斯,咆哮地命令“释放海怪!”
As described by Wendy Williams in her new book Kraken, the mother spends five, six months protecting her 56,000 children.
Perhaps the most famous legendary squid is the Norse Kraken, a monstrous, tentacled beast as large as an island that devoured ships whole.
They come to Garden of Stygia and find the three Stygian Witches, who tell Perseus that the head of the Gorgon Medusa could kill the Kraken.
The Chrysalids tackles the idea of genetic mutation, possibly caused by nuclear war, and the Kraken Wakes tells of a world drowned by rising sea levels.
The Kraken Wakes. John Wydham. An unusual invasion from below premise with a couple similar to Paul and Jamie from Mad About You fulfilling the lead roles.
一个不寻常的“海下入侵” 假设将产生“你疯了”想法的主角保罗和杰梅紧密联系在一起。
Kraken, Plesiosaur, underwater UFO or maybe even a massive whale, whatever is lurking in the dark fridge waters near Antarctica is a massive creature creating quite a stir.
In fact the Kraken was first described in a manuscript about a thousand years ago; Scandinavian mythology depicted the Kraken as so large that its body appeared as several small islands.
事实上,最初的关于海怪的模样约在1000多年以前的一份手稿中出现过;在斯堪的纳维亚神话里,把它描绘得非常巨大,身体要像几个小的岛屿般的那样。 毫无猜疑心理的水手们想将它引诱上岸,直到这个被他们认为有“几个岛屿大小”般的东西爆发出水面,露出其可怕的、纠缠在一起的触须为止。