However, you can have another weapon by garrisoning an infantry inside it like the Multigunner IFV.
With the ability you gain from garrisoning a Mastermind or Prodigy, means that this self-repair has great potential.
Javelin Soldiers are by far the best garrisoning unit that the Allies have since they can attack both enemy ground and air units.
With the growing expansion of Northwest Territory and the enhancement of garrisoning troops, the two systems finally united as one.
Another good idea is taking one of the Enlightened squads out to use their EMP, and then garrisoning it back in the Reckoner to keep it safe.
With unique and rich contents, it consists mainly of Manchu culture, mountain-forest culture, culture of garrisoning frontiers, and culture of exiles, etc.
Their primary base defense USES the same kind of technology as the IFV Multigunner, which allows players to customize that defense's weapon by garrisoning it with different kinds of infantry.
in garrison