The town of Bor, half an hour by plane down the Nile from Juba, was once a busy trading post but now feels on a different planet.
A Samburu elder walks on the cracked earth where a river once flowed in the eastern Kenyan town of Archer's Post.
一位桑布鲁(Samburu)老者正行走在一块干裂的土地上,这里原本有一条流向肯尼亚东部城镇阿切站(Archer ' s Post)的河流。
Prince George, unlike the communities we had seen earlier, is a proper town: a fur-trading post in the 19th century, it is home today to more than 80, 000 people.
乔治王子城不像我们以前看到的地方,是一个像样的城市。 在十九世纪这里是毛皮交易码头,现在居住着八万人口。
The post office centralizing the town celebrated its 20th anniversary yesterday.
Post a message saying that you are coming to town, does anyone have advice or want to have coffee?
MURGHAB, Tajikistan — On the outskirts of this wind-scoured town, founded in 1893 as a Russian military post, the construction of a new customs compound heralds the return of another major power.
穆尔加布(Murghab),塔吉克斯坦---1893年,当时的俄罗斯建起了这座小镇,作为军事哨卡。 在这座常年刮风的小镇郊外,新建成的海关综合设施预示着另一个大国的回归。
Are these just typical post-industrial woes, or is this seemingly blighted town evidence that British multiculturalism is in crisis?
He had a privateering commission to attack a French trading post in the town of Goree off the coast of Africa.
Where do migrant workers live in a crowded, post-recession town?
The seventh-most-populous country in the world, and its seventh-biggest oil exporter, has as much grid power as Bradford, a post-industrial town in the north of England.
A Lingling post office armored car set off as usual on the morning of June 1 to collect funds from postal savings Banks around town.
The Huffington Post reported Thursday the cable written in January 2010 focuses on the behavior of Beninese peacekeepers stationed in the western town of Toulepleu in Ivory Coast.
The Nanjing Morning Post reported recently that Shiqiao, a town in Nanjing city, received a 96% rating after residents were issued with 16 answers and promised 2, 000 yuan for repeating them.
Later he knew this "town" was itself a village, having in it a post office, a shop, and a butcher.
Every year youngsters write adorable notes addressed to Santa Claus, a town in Indiana and the only one to have a post office named after Santa Claus.
Shenxiangzhen he county Anhui have a broken-down red chamber, which is the old town post office quarters.
In Banks, post offices, libraries, parks, playgrounds, kindergartens, immigration offices and town council offices, I can see people of different RACES working and playing together in harmony.
The post office is directly opposite the town hall.
Germany was very effective in these — they had advanced bureaucracy, a good postal service, and they had a network of post offices all over the country — every little town had a post office.
As an important post of the Silk Road, the town has a folk museum, Wang Luobin Art museum, 100 water station, tea, stables and other related display.
Build a police station, post office, repair garage, train station or anything else your LEGO? Town needs!
Every town in the United States has a post office. Some are very small, and you may also find them in the corner of a shop.
Six days later, an anonymousNetizen submitted a post describing that the wanted woman lived in a town in a northernprovince andother detailed information.
He had gathered, as an industrious man always at his post, a chief share in administering the town charities.
One day, I remember sitting alone on the porch throwing rocks at the fence post. Everyone else had gone into town, and a cold silence had filled the snowy valley.
Every town in the United States has a post office.