Markups and Client device definitions.
All the markups would cancel each other out.
Allow phrase markups in section titles.
Simple markups can now span a whole block.
Currently the following markups are defined.
The emulator can handle most markups including XHTML Mobile and WML.
该模拟器可以处理大多数标记,包含XHTML Mobile和WML。
XML is extensible markup language and has customised (extensible) markups.
Such a database could use ECS to extend the types of markups it could generate for data.
Lesson 8. UML profiles can be used to manage model markups as part of the MDA transformation.
经验8 .作为mda转换的一部分,UML profile可以用来管理模型标记。
The reviewers individually review and mark up the code, and the markups are returned to the developer.
This relieves developers of the responsibility to design for all protocols and markups during development.
在开发过程中, 开发人员因此免于为所有协议和标记进行设计。
In addition, 66.7% of the cases were not reviewed by the Ed physicians after last changes such as markups or annotations.
If you want to support other markups, you can use PortletDocumentFilters which enable you to easily add different markup support.
When webmasters set out to optimize their sites for SEO, they can use these markups to help push their sites to the top of results.
About half the income of China's general hospitals comes from drug markups, according to official figures cited by the China Daily.
HTML or other markups are not polluted with programming code, making it easy for UI designers to recognize and avoid framework tagging.
On-Site SEO: are the things that you can do on your site, such as: HTML markups, target keywords, internal linking, site structure, etc.
站内(On - Site) SEO:能在你的网站上做的,比如:HTML标记,关键词,内部链接,网站结构,等等。
Furthermore, the portal infrastructure is optimized around JSPs, enabling easy expansion into other markups, languages, and browser support.
To support additional markups, such as WML, create new PortletDocumentFilter, register it, and then call it prior to the default HTML filter.
But I felt the aggregate data might not tell the full story and I started to look how pricing (discount and markups) developed on individual loans.
Now the cartels are getting involved in this business, working with associates north of the border to sell the oil to American companies at huge markups.
Moreover, it allows variable markups, lower markups with tougher competition meanwhile higher markups are charged by firms that are more productive.
Listings 3 and 4 show the HTML and XDIME markups, respectively, used in the advanced ticker example provided in the Downloads section of this article.
Having spent a decent portion of my life working in restaurants, I know markups and margins on tickets are healthy, even excluding those businesses with liquor licenses.
As mentioned in the primer for this series, RCC plays a key role in SVG and XForms integration as it provides the foundation for mixing and matching the two markups.
This article shows how to use the aggregation tag library to build your own portal framework, how to use the MBean API, and how to customize portlets to support additional markups.
本文将向您说明如何使用聚合标记库来构建自己的门户框架、如何使用MBean API,以及如何自定义Portlet来支持其他标记。
markup language
hypertext markup language