1 词典释义:
take out loans
时间: 2024-12-01 14:02:36


  • Most companies usually take out loans and financial plans to stay afloat.


  • Americans take out loans to buy a car or a house, and many young people borrow money to go to university.


  • This year, he hopes to persuade 20 percent of them to take out loans that he has arranged with local Banks.


  • I have told Henry and Hannah that, if they want to go on to graduate school, they will have to take out loans.


  • With no powerful family behind him, he had to take out loans at five times the normal rates of his well-connected competitors.


  • The problem was that a lot of homeowners were induced to take out loans that they could afford only if home prices continued to go up.

    问题是很 多房主被误导,只有在房价持续上涨的 情况下,他们才能还得起贷款。

  • First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, lending may fall. Third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement.


  • They may be able to take out private loans, as many American students do.


  • People with several MFI loans also tend to take them out simultaneously, rather than staggering them, as they would if they intended to use one to pay instalments on another.


  • In the past lenders ofteninsisted on financial covenants when companies took out loans; breach of thosecovenants gave the lenders the right to take action.


  • To pay his dividends, he took out secret loans, imagining that they were temporary, only to have the deception take on a permanent life of its own.


  • Or worse, will angry whites take out their disgust on black people by, say, denying loans, or jobs or housing?


  • Although it pointedly declined a bail-out in America, it has been happy to take grants and soft loans in Germany and Romania to develop an efficient engine.


  • They can join the 4.5m Britons a year who take out unsecured loans from doorstep-lending outfits, with rates of up to 500% per year.

    他们也可以加入到450万英国人中,从“门阶贷款” (doorstep-lending)机构获取年利率高达500%的无担保贷款。

  • It takes a while for this to become obvious, since most companies and households don’t take out big new loans every day.

    由于大多数 公司和家庭并不是每天都贷一大笔款项,这个问题可能需要过一段时间才会浮现。

  • Some probably take out several MFI loans for the good reason that they need a larger lump sum than any single small loan can provide.


  • They lay out a lot of cash for these fundamental purchases and take out Banks loans for the balance.


  • In this article we'll look at the main USES of the loans that we take out.


  • Rising values mend that people could also take out home loans and lines of credit.

