Likewise, if we look at fluorine in its diatomic molecule, it is 160 kilojoules per mole.
It is a diatomic molecule.
Rotations, if it's a diatomic molecule, will be two different degrees of freedom.
The kind that we breathe is made of diatomic molecules, which means each molecule has two atoms.
Any heteronuclear diatomic molecule must have a dipole moment since its two ends are different.
And really, if this were more than a diatomic molecule, maybe there would be a bunch of vibrational modes.
In the end, the formulas obtained by the authors are compared with the energy let 'el of non-harmonic vibration of diatomic molecule.
A simple method is used to calculate the phase volumes enclosed by energy surfaces of 2-dimensional harmonic oscillator and rigid diatomic molecule.
So now I'm going to draw vibrational energy levels inside the molecule. Let's imagine, it wouldn't need to be this, ut let's imagine it's just diatomic molecules.
A theoretical calculation is made of the nonequilibrium dissociation of the diatomic molecule with the vibration dissociation coupling behind a strong shock wave front.
Then, a new analytical potential energy function of diatomic molecule is proposed based on the ECM and applied to some electronic ground states and excited states of diatomic molecules.
And where we had left off was we were going to start one example of thinking about now where we have a heteronuclear diatomic molecules, so two different atoms in terms of forming the molecule.