You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
《牛津词典》Many countries charge departure tax in U.S. dollars rather than local currency.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》They also have a need for local currency.
This would increase the value of the local currency.
Hence they sell the dollars and buy back their local currency.
S. dollars, politely decline and stick with the local currency.
You can change your sterling into the local currency at the airport.
Settlement in local currency in the bilateral trade will be broadened.
There's bartering, budgeting, endless counting of local currency and re-budgeting.
After a fall in the export price, you want the local currency to depreciate against the dollar.
Transferring all foreign-currency debt into local currency could cost 7% of GDP, the central bank reckons.
据中央银行估计,将所有的外国货币债务转移到本货币将会消耗GDP的7%。 紧张的投资者将无法恢复信心。
Thus it is local currency, not foreign "speculative money" that both causes and sustains local asset prices.
The ADB is doing its part, having raised local currency bonds in China, the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia.
Nix the traveler's checks unless you enjoy seemingly endless fees and difficulty exchanging them for local currency.
So unless Banks are able to attract sizeable local currency deposits, ambitions could be crimped when that waiver ends.
These companies then repaid their governments in local currency, which could be used to fund infrastructure, for instance.
Note: currency conversion is performed from local currency to all currencies included in the chosen consolidation structure.
Currencies not entered in the register of historical rates will be converted from local currency using closing or average rates.
For example, the Android Market recently began showing app prices in a user's local currency, rather than that of the developer.
例如,Android Market最近开始以用户当地的货币来显示应用的的价格,而不是开发者所在地区的货币。
After a rise in the import price, the terms-of-trade criterion suggests that you again want the local currency to depreciate.
当进口价格上升时,根据贸易条件terms - of - trade,一国出口与进口的相对价格。
There is an option to limit data entry to local currency to ensure that data is not entered and stored in incorrect currencies.
Internationally, our hotel business experienced gross travel bookings growth of 14%, or approximately 32% on a local currency basis.
"Also, a more tangible benefit that they have, compared to the foreign investors, is that they do have local currency needs," he adds.
HSBC is one of three Banks authorized to print the local currency, so its name can be found in just about everybody's hands and wallets.
Armenia has also managed to slash inflation, stabilize the local currency (the DRAM), and privatize most small - and medium-sized enterprises.
亚美尼亚也已经成功地削减了通货膨胀,稳定了其货币(the dram),并且完成了大多数小型和中型的企业的私有化。