It is to books that I own everything that is good in me.
A father can sacrifice their own everything, including his own life.
When I own everything, in fact, I will actually own nothing because no one can buy space.
No one can own everything. Enjoy fully what you already possess and you will live satisfied and happily ever after.
Another side of the hand was holding a warm hand on the people around him speak of his own everything, and its share.
When we look forward to the future, don't blundering, be sure to realize its own everything, and try to see the way down under.
In reading books could be found to lead him to the depths of the thing, the other all thrown away, is thrown out to make the mind burden is overweight, and will own everything from points.
Losing everything you own under such circumstances can be distressing, but the people I've heard from all saw their loss, ultimately, as a blessing.
The factory had its own hospital, bakery and food stores. And everything was connected with kilometers of tunnels.
They plan everything for their children, make all the decisions for them, and do not allow them to explore on their own in case they make mistakes or get hurt.
Asking others' advice instead of getting everything done on one's own promotes democracy and communication too.
I might forget how to spell everything, even my own name.
Become your own best friend, and do everything that you can possibly do for yourself.
Everything seems hard, and you don't even know where to go for your own classes.
She has a style of her own in everything.
《新英汉大辞典》You are your own master when you can keep everything around you in balance.
Everything we own will one day be lost, stolen, broken, donated, outdated, sold or thrown away.
Guess what happens when you have back pain and you still try to do everything on your own?
While I still stress the importance of you being in complete control of your time, it's also worth mentioning that owning your own time isn't everything.
Almost everything I own can be worn either everyday, or mixed and matched on different occasions to make dozens of combinations of outfits.
Men love what she's about, and they will sell everything they own (literally) to just sit next to her.
My favorite pair of ballet flats match everything I own, are capable of carrying me for miles, and are appropriate for (almost) every occasion.