Unless smokers are consistently located near more hospitable warm-water vents, chemosynthesis can account for only a fraction of the vent faunas.
Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter, ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling vent would dwarf any contribution from advection.
We shall appreciate this difficulty more clearly, by looking to certain existing faunas and floras.
In this paper, a detailed comparison is made between the four phases in the Tarim Basin and the corresponding faunas in South China and North China.
The Gaotege fauna reflects a predominantly temperate steppe habitat, with local shrub and freshwater bodies, similar to the Ertemte and Bilike faunas.
There are also resemblances among Early Silurian rugose coral faunas of the Yangtze region, eastern Australia, and eastern North America to some extent.
These tracks fill a gap in the record of Neogene mammals in this important part of the world and contribute significantly to our knowledge of these faunas.
Change, but not evolution of communities as units, is suggested in detailed descriptions of the changes in faunas in the Appalachian Basin (Brett and Baird 1995).
Bird banding is one of the important means to research the seasonal migration of birds, and is an effective method in researching the faunas, ecology and morphology of birds.
The fossils show that the bottom of the food chain was dominated by species typical of later Triassic Marine faunas - such as crustaceans, fishes and bivalves - and different from preceding ones.