The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.
《牛津词典》In 'She went home yesterday' and 'He ran away in a panic', 'yesterday' and 'in a panic' are adjuncts.
在She went home yesterday和He ran away in a panic两句中,yesterday和in a panic是修饰成分。
《牛津词典》So were his adjuncts and adjutants.
Adverbials are also called adjuncts.
Mood adjuncts are to reinforce the applicant's expression.
All tubes, tube adjuncts and valves were made of glass and F4.
In some cases, these empires also had "informal adjuncts", or "shadow empires".
The control region will in turn start the Daemon, servants, and adjuncts if needed.
如果需要,控制区域会依次启动 Daemon、Servant 和 Adjunct。
Most operating systems were written so the phones could serve as adjuncts to desktop PCs.
But the AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.
The author holds that except some adjuncts as topic shift markers, cohesive devices are widely used for discourse topic shift.
You can find the predefined MEPs, styles, and the safe attribute definition in "WSDL 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts" (see Resources for a link).
您可以在“WSDL 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts”(请参阅参考资料以获得链接)中找到预定义的MEP、样式和safe属性定义。
Many opportunities exist for third parties who wish to provide value-added services as adjuncts to the core behaviors of UDDI Operator Sites.
This mood adjunct can mark retorting and assessing mood. These mood adjuncts can be classifies into ranks according to modal word at the end.
Classes, even at elite universities, can top 500 students and are disproportionately taught by poorly paid adjuncts and graduate students, not professors.
These are intertwined in the network architecture in a plethora of service adjuncts, each with its own systems for operations, provisioning and maintenance.
Care is typically led by a surgeon who oversees chemotherapy and radiation as adjuncts and focuses less on drug management, including pain control, experts said.
The Basil glutinous rice wine was produced from glutinous rice, using the basil, suspension formulation, sugar and citric acid as adjuncts in different proportions.
以糯米为主要原料生产米酒,加入不同比例的罗勒子、 悬浮剂、白砂糖、酸味剂等辅料调配制成罗勒子糯米酒。
The differences are that in English modal operators are the central expressions to employ, while in Chinese people tend to use more modal adjuncts to express modality.
The size and shape of the filtration cake particles were proposed tobe the primary factors to result in the poor filtration behavior of wortscontaining extruded adjuncts.
This presents us with both an insight into the nature of obligatory adjunct and a unified interpretation of various obligatory adjuncts in some seemly irrelevant structures.
The location word, a relatively special kind of Chinese noun, can be situated the beginning of the sentence as a subject or adverbial adjuncts, as well as follow the verbs as a complement or object.
adjunct professor