I opened the lid of the to-go box to find a quarter of a Turkey panini and a small slice of chocolate cake.
The scope of this article is that of Classical Sanskrit as laid out in the grammar of Panini, roughly around 500 BC.
Hoping to do just that is well-known trading card company, Panini (formerly Donruss) who has partnered with media tech team Recom Group to develop the first ever video trading CARDS.
希望可以这样实现的是一家知名的交换卡片公司,帕尼尼公司(原Donruss)已经协同Recom Group视频技术团队开发第一款永久视频交换卡。
Even without a seat, even while pressed with strangers into human panini, even as someone plays a keyboard harmonica and rattles a cup of change, even when stumbling home after a party.