I'm appointing myself your new social secretary.
With a long-suffering sigh, Cynthia fetched them. 'My social secretary could take dictation if she were here,' she said.
“Let’s face it: It’s very good for getting re-elected, ” Letitia Baldrige, the White House social secretary to Jacqueline Kennedy, said of the Obamas’ socializing.
Capricia Marshall, the White House social secretary, arranged for the White House butlers, chefs, and valets to come help the Camp David staff in making sure the meals were enjoyable.
The White House social secretary, Capricia Marshall, who had supported me since 1991 and had been with Hillary since early in our first campaign, had arranged a special surprise for me.
In 1951, he sat on the committee of experts convened to set up the International Social Science Council, of which he was the first Secretary-General, from 1952 to 1961.
Japan has achieved the secretary of social and professional, the secretary and all sectors of society is a professional, rather than just the name of a bureaucratic post.
Education Secretary Michael Gove has pushed the 'fair banding' admissions policy but it has been criticised by education bodies as 'social engineering'.
The social evening was hosted by the local Women's Club, of which Aunt Helen was secretary, and the club's colors of green and white were used in the decorations.
Hope that through this paper give general secretary worker provides advice, make each secretary personnel can become conforms to modern social demand professional.