When you move from indoors to outdoors you're ceding an element of control over the light.
Of course, we could live like this. But why not stop this isolation without ceding past achievements?
Apple can't use another platform vendor's API without ceding control of its destiny to an outside entity.
The experiment results show that small ceding error and high compression ratio can be got by this method.
But ceding land to foreigners, to manage it and claim the products, are acutely sensitive issues in Africa.
For years, American carmakers have focused on larger vehicles, almost ceding the small car market to foreign brands.
Some Afghan and Western officials said the attack could be an early warning about the risks of ceding ground as the u.
In this system, the argument goes, firms will keep an eye on each other, rather than ceding power to the Stockholders.
The cloud environment is much different from a traditional data center, because you're ceding control of many functions.
But just imagine that the exasperated northerners were dreaming of something more radical: fully ceding sovereign authority.
The event left many people fearful of the amount of personal information they were ceding to a private, profit-hungry enterprise.
People should be wary of ceding the power to make that judgment, even to a court that thinks hard about it and backs the underdog.
Its own attempted takeover of Unocal, a Californian oil firm, in 2005 was scuppered by American concerns about ceding ownership to China.
The U. K. , home to the EU's largest financial center, was worried about ceding control over the City of London to a powerful EU committee.
When the NSC had an hour to brief Clinton, Lake made a point of cutting the time to 50 minutes, ceding 10 precious minutes to the domestic staff.
Owing to the specific characteristics of teaching at teachers' colleges-there are not many advanced courses suc-ceding the common physical course.
You can be sure that the costs of competing with Google would have been far greater than the meager 12% of revenue Yahoo is now ceding to Microsoft.
The opponents included flat-tax happy Estonia, as well as Britain and Ireland, both countries with theological objections to ceding tax powers to Brussels.
If this is a problem for you, Lipshutz recommends ceding some control and not allowing your "ego and identity get so tied up in other's successes or failures."
There is widespread opposition to ceding these powers to a European bureaucracy, and the courts of many countries would probably rule it a constitutional violation.
Functional programming represents the next abstraction leap: ceding more mundane details such as iteration, concurrency, and state to the runtime as much as possible.
Allied forces are "losing the peace" in Afghanistan, according to one essay, because they are ceding control of the country outside the capital Kabul to brutal warlords.
Without a clear strategy for dealing with multisided platforms, firms can easily find themselves ceding control over customers or being unwittingly turned into commodities.