Bill Gates is the former chairman of Microsoft Corporation, a worldwide leader in software and Internet technologies.
This paper investigates the control reuse technology of Microsoft corporation.
In the future, MSDN China with closely cooperate with Microsoft Corporation to bring more "goods" for Chinese developers!
Microsoft Active Service Pages (ASP), a swift, high efficiency and safe developmental tool provided by Microsoft Corporation.
Defendant Microsoft Corporation (" Microsoft ") is found to have unlawfully infringed U.S. patent No. 5,787,449 (the "' 449 patent").
You can see inflections such as Microsoft Corporation Windows and Windows XP professionals, which will be covered automatically.
您可以看到词形变化microsoft Corporation Windows和Windows XP professionals,这些将被自动包含。
Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. -- Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation
In the commercial software domain, the US Microsoft Corporation and German SAP Corporation has the overwhelming superiority, IBM has been at the loss condition.
IIHT, which also launched a one-of-its-kind certification programme, IIHT Certified Cloud Expert, and Microsoft Corporation have also announced a strategic tie-up.
Microsoft Corporation grants the purchaser of this product the right to reproduce one copy of this user manual for each Hardware Device you purchased in the package.
William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
比尔.盖茨简介:威廉(比尔)H.盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和首席执行官,盖茨的资产净值:564 亿美元。
Considering that the usage circumstance of Windows operation system of Microsoft Corporation is familiar to most designers, this software system is of the same style as the Windows.
The Microsoft Corporation, the software giant, has prepared a blistering attack on rival Google, arguing that the Web search leader takes a cavalier approach to copyright protection.
United States v. Microsoft was a set of consolidated civil actions filed against Microsoft Corporation on May 18, 1998 by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and 20 U.S. states.
美国司法部对微软提出的民事诉讼是一系列的合并诉讼。 1998年的5月18日,美国司法部联合美国20个州对微软提起诉讼。
I4i, a Toronto based corporation, filed a complaint (PDF) in March 2007 alleging that Microsoft is infringing a patent.
It's not sure if the evil corporation is VMWare or Microsoft or both, but from the short message one could understand that he is referring to Microsoft.
And Microsoft, as well as News Corporation and Viacom, two media giants, all wanted YouTube.
Yahoo! And Microsoft, as well as News Corporation and Viacom, two media giants, all wanted YouTube.
Yahoo! And Microsoft, as well as News Corporation and Viacom, two media giants, all wanted YouTube.
Microsoft, Yahoo, Viacom and the News Corporation, among others, have all visited YouTube's headquarters in San Mateo, Calif., in recent months to inquire about buying the company.