Even so, some of these hastily arranged "earthquake marriages" have already fallen apart.
Now, in a hastily arranged cooking lesson, they are teaching me how to make their rather onomatopoeic "s'mores brownies".
They made their case in a hastily arranged news conference on Monday afternoon, as the images of Mr. Qian's death continued proliferating on the Internet. Mr.
Treat yourself to time off, perhaps by taking a vacation at month's end, or by attending parties or hastily arranged dinners, and enjoying quickly purchased tickets to shows.
At a hastily arranged press conference at the White House after news of the switch leaked overnight, Obama said the aim was to protect against the threat of an Iranian missile attack.
In place of that summit, Mr Bainimarama arranged a hastily reconfigured "Friends of Fiji" meeting, which was attended by both Mr Somare and Dr Sikua.
Bainimarama先生安排了匆忙重组的“斐济之友”会议来代替峰会,得到了Somare先生and Dr Sikua的参加。
The slapstick film, which stars Seth Rogen and James Franco, could be given a wider release if this week's hastily-arranged screenings pass without incident.