This prompted the Mon Cals to perform a daring and controversial social experiment.
The newfound cooperation between the Mon Cals and the Quarren proved to be a boon to the planet.
Covered by server license, but incremental ts CALs required, similar to AD Rights Management Services.
所涵盖的服务器许可证,但增量的TS CAL需要,类似的广告权利管理服务。
The Quarren prefer to live in the dark, deep portions of the cities, while the Cals live closer to the sunlight.
The former is a vocabulary derived from HTML; the latter is based on the CALS standard for tables in SGML languages.
前者的词汇表源于 HTML,后者则基于 SGML 语言中的 CALS 表格标准。
Protection of the world was the responsibility of the Mon Calamari Defense Forces, staffed by Mon Cals and Quarren alike.
To create a new project area, you need to have both JazzAdmins role privileges and the necessary client access licenses (CALs).
为了创建新的项目区域,您需要同时拥有JazzAdmins角色权限以及必要的客户访问许可证(Client Access License, CAL)。
The young saw their parents and ancestors as primitive savages, while the elder generation believed their offspring brainwashed by the Cals.
Listing 10 is a complete Schematron example that combines Listings 7 and 8, and adds an additional, concrete pattern that only applies to the CALS table form.
Agile Manufacturing is closely related to many international research plans such as STEP CALS IMS, and itself is becoming a international research plan too.
The Mon Cals can stay underwater for an indefinite length of time, although they cannot sleep underwater due to various physiological and psychological reasons.
The Cals had captured nearly a million Quarren throughout their struggles, yet did not want to free them, for they feared the Quarren would only fight until the Cals were forced to kill them.
As the core technology of implementing CALS strategy, Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, IETM, plays more and more important role on improving the logistics guarantee level of weaponry system.