1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-04-22 14:52:07
英 [prəˈvaɪd]



  • He refused to provide a specimen.


  • They would not provide any details.


  • Can you provide any proof of identity ?


  • I'll be glad to provide a copy of this.


  • The company will provide transportation.


  • Oats provide good, nutritious food for horses.


  • The hotel did not normally provide room service.


  • We are here to provide a service for the public.


  • We provide help to families in crisis situations.


  • We are here to provide the public with a service.


  • The report was not expected to provide any answers.


  • Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.


  • The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer.


  • Two water tanks provide a total capacity of 400 litres.


  • Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.


  • The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need.


  • The pictures provide irrefutable evidence of the incident.


  • The rules also require employers to provide safety training.


  • An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.


  • More productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food.


  • New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers.


  • They could not provide adequate air cover for ground operations.


  • Each centre would provide information on technology and training.


  • Plants produce sugars and starch to provide themselves with energy.


  • Nursing auxiliaries provide basic care, but are not qualified nurses.


  • Elaine wouldn't let him provide for her.


  • We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust.


  • The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit.


  • Floats will provide confidence in the water.


  • We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices.


  • provide oneself


  • provide for


  • provide service


  • provide with


  • provide against


vt. 提供;规定;准备;装备
vi. 规定;抚养;作准备

equip, furnish, supply, provide, afford


  • equip : 侧重提供与技术有关的装备或设备等。

  • furnish : 多指添置家具等供给生活的必需品或为生活舒适提供所需的服务设施。

  • supply : 普通用词,指提供任何所需求的东西。

  • provide与supply近义,但强调人的深谋远虑,侧重用贮备等方法作充分准备。

  • afford : 一般只用于对抽象事物提供,也可指经济能力上的供给或支付。


向前, 在前



  • profuseadj. 过多的;极其丰富的;挥霍的;浪费的
  • prohibitv. 禁止;禁止某人做某事;阻止;使不可能
  • prominentadj. 重要的;卓越的;著名的;突起的;凸出的;突出的;显著的;显眼的
  • proportionn. 部分;份额;比;比例;面积;大小;体积;均衡;相称;调和
  • productionn. 生产;制造;出示;拿出;提供;制作;监制;产量;发生;采集
  • procreatev. 生育;生殖;繁殖
  • proscribev. 禁止;谴责;宣布…为不法之徒
  • promisen. 允诺;诺言;承诺;保证;可能;前途;指望;出息
  • programn. 节目;计划;节目单;程序;编码指令
  • protractv. 延长;拖延
  • profaneadj. 世俗的;渎神的;亵渎的;不敬神的;不谙宗教仪式的;未受秘传的;污秽的
  • promotev. 加强;增进;促进;晋升;提升;提拔;宣传;推销;促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(催化剂)更活泼
  • provocationn. 挑衅;激怒;刺激;性挑逗;激发试验
  • processionn. 游行队伍;行列;圣灵流出;游行;列队行进;竞争不激烈的赛跑;连续;一(长)列;一(长)排
  • propelv. 推进;推;刺激;驱策;推动
  • proclamationn. 公告;布告;宣言;声明;宣称;正式宣布;广泛宣告
  • pronounn. 代词
  • proverbn. 谚语;俗语;常言
  • provincialadj. 省的;京都大邑以外地方的;外省的;外地的;低俗的;思想褊狭的;偏执的;乡气的
  • prosperityn. 繁荣;昌盛;成功
  • protectv. 保护;防护;维护;保护…自然状态;为…保险;备款以支付
  • procurev. 取得;获得;说服;使…做某事;为…拉皮条;给…做淫媒;使…发生;导致
  • processn. 步骤;程序;方法;传票;端突;突起;加工;工序;变化过程;进程
  • productn. 作品;产品;积;结果;产物;物产;产儿
  • provocativeadj. 挑衅的;挑拨的;煽动的;激怒的;刺激的;性挑逗的
  • proceedv. 开始行动;进行;开展;继续;来自;出自;接下去;进而做;起诉某人;对…提起诉讼
  • prosperv. 兴旺;繁荣;成功;蓬勃发展;健康成长;使成功;使兴旺
  • pronunciationn. 发音;发音方法;读法
  • profilen. 侧面;侧影;轮廓;外形;传略;简介;概况;公众关注度;曲线图;数据图表
  • prosecutev. 对(某人;机构)提起公诉;告发;检控;彻底进行;执行;提请公诉;代表原告指控;继续从事;追求
  • propulsionn. 推进
  • proceduren. 程序;步骤;手续;外科手术
  • protestn. 抗议书;抗议;异议;反对;拒付证书;公开示威
  • producev. 生产;制造;引起;产生;招致;出示;制作;导演;播放;播送;使(线段)延长
  • prognosisn. 预后;预测
  • proposev. 提出;提议;建议;向某人求婚;推荐;提名;提交
  • prospectn. 未来事件发生的可能性;可能成功的人;潜在主顾;潜在客户;潜在矿藏或矿床;景象;景色;视野;前景;展望
  • professorn. 教授;讲席教授;信仰表示者;宣称信仰者;大学教师
  • productiveadj. 富有生产力的;多产的;富饶的;肥沃的;富有成效的;有生产力的;生产性的;产生… 的;引起…的;能产的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • proclaimv. 宣告;声明;表明;声称;强调;正式公布…为;清楚地显示
  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备
  • prolongv. 延长;拖长
  • progressn. 前进;行进;进展;进步;上进;巡行;巡游
  • pronouncev. 发音;宣布;宣告;宣称;断言;表示;表态;就…发表意见
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • promptv. 引起;激起;鼓励…往下说;追问;提示;促使…采取行动;提词



  • divisionn. 分;分开;分隔;分歧;争论;除;部分;分界;区分
  • evidencen. 根据;证明;迹象;痕迹;证据
  • individualadj. 单个的;单独的;个人的;独特的;有特色的;独创的;供一人用的;个性的;个人(或个别事物)特有的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • evidentadj. 明显的;显而易见的
  • dividendn. 红利;分红;股利;被除数;收益;回报;几人(如足球彩票中彩者、公司成员或破产企业债权人)平分的钱款;个人分红份额
  • dividev. 分开;分隔;不同意;使有分歧;除;隔开;将…分配给;分配;为投票(把… )分成两组;被除尽
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • devisev. 策划;发明;想出;遗赠


6年出现 243

  • 100%

    v 提供; 供应

  • v. 提供; 供应


    give something useful or necessary to


    • Chinese parents always try their best to provide a good education environment for their kids.


      [2018年 贵阳市卷 单项选择]
    • Besides, the bus provides the most comfortable seats and the best service for the passengers.


      [2018年 乌鲁木齐市卷 阅读理解]
    • The owner is happy to provide writers with places to write.


      [2018年 长春市卷 阅读理解]
  • providern. 供应者;供应物;挣钱养家的人;养家糊口的人

  • provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 表示“为某人提供某物”。如:The hotel doesn’t provide guests with meals. = The hotel doesn’t provide meals for guests.这家旅馆不给客人提供膳食。

  • provide与supply近义,指为某人提供需要或有用的东西。

  • afford多指提供抽象的东西,也可指经济能力上的供给或支付。


12年出现 52

  • 100%

    v 提供; 供应

  • v. 提供; 供应


    give something useful or necessary to


    • Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.


      [2018年 全国卷2 阅读理解]
    • This method provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s.


      [2018年 全国卷1 阅读理解]
    • Several others checked the instructions and made something according to one of the model plans provided.


      [2016年 全国卷2 阅读理解]

向前, 在前



  • profuseadj. 过多的;极其丰富的;挥霍的;浪费的
  • prohibitv. 禁止;禁止某人做某事;阻止;使不可能
  • prominentadj. 重要的;卓越的;著名的;突起的;凸出的;突出的;显著的;显眼的
  • proportionn. 部分;份额;比;比例;面积;大小;体积;均衡;相称;调和
  • productionn. 生产;制造;出示;拿出;提供;制作;监制;产量;发生;采集
  • procreatev. 生育;生殖;繁殖
  • proscribev. 禁止;谴责;宣布…为不法之徒
  • promisen. 允诺;诺言;承诺;保证;可能;前途;指望;出息
  • programn. 节目;计划;节目单;程序;编码指令
  • protractv. 延长;拖延
  • profaneadj. 世俗的;渎神的;亵渎的;不敬神的;不谙宗教仪式的;未受秘传的;污秽的
  • promotev. 加强;增进;促进;晋升;提升;提拔;宣传;推销;促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(催化剂)更活泼
  • provocationn. 挑衅;激怒;刺激;性挑逗;激发试验
  • processionn. 游行队伍;行列;圣灵流出;游行;列队行进;竞争不激烈的赛跑;连续;一(长)列;一(长)排
  • propelv. 推进;推;刺激;驱策;推动
  • proclamationn. 公告;布告;宣言;声明;宣称;正式宣布;广泛宣告
  • pronounn. 代词
  • proverbn. 谚语;俗语;常言
  • provincialadj. 省的;京都大邑以外地方的;外省的;外地的;低俗的;思想褊狭的;偏执的;乡气的
  • prosperityn. 繁荣;昌盛;成功
  • protectv. 保护;防护;维护;保护…自然状态;为…保险;备款以支付
  • procurev. 取得;获得;说服;使…做某事;为…拉皮条;给…做淫媒;使…发生;导致
  • processn. 步骤;程序;方法;传票;端突;突起;加工;工序;变化过程;进程
  • productn. 作品;产品;积;结果;产物;物产;产儿
  • provocativeadj. 挑衅的;挑拨的;煽动的;激怒的;刺激的;性挑逗的
  • proceedv. 开始行动;进行;开展;继续;来自;出自;接下去;进而做;起诉某人;对…提起诉讼
  • prosperv. 兴旺;繁荣;成功;蓬勃发展;健康成长;使成功;使兴旺
  • pronunciationn. 发音;发音方法;读法
  • profilen. 侧面;侧影;轮廓;外形;传略;简介;概况;公众关注度;曲线图;数据图表
  • prosecutev. 对(某人;机构)提起公诉;告发;检控;彻底进行;执行;提请公诉;代表原告指控;继续从事;追求
  • propulsionn. 推进
  • proceduren. 程序;步骤;手续;外科手术
  • protestn. 抗议书;抗议;异议;反对;拒付证书;公开示威
  • producev. 生产;制造;引起;产生;招致;出示;制作;导演;播放;播送;使(线段)延长
  • prognosisn. 预后;预测
  • proposev. 提出;提议;建议;向某人求婚;推荐;提名;提交
  • prospectn. 未来事件发生的可能性;可能成功的人;潜在主顾;潜在客户;潜在矿藏或矿床;景象;景色;视野;前景;展望
  • professorn. 教授;讲席教授;信仰表示者;宣称信仰者;大学教师
  • productiveadj. 富有生产力的;多产的;富饶的;肥沃的;富有成效的;有生产力的;生产性的;产生… 的;引起…的;能产的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • proclaimv. 宣告;声明;表明;声称;强调;正式公布…为;清楚地显示
  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备
  • prolongv. 延长;拖长
  • progressn. 前进;行进;进展;进步;上进;巡行;巡游
  • pronouncev. 发音;宣布;宣告;宣称;断言;表示;表态;就…发表意见
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • promptv. 引起;激起;鼓励…往下说;追问;提示;促使…采取行动;提词



  • divisionn. 分;分开;分隔;分歧;争论;除;部分;分界;区分
  • evidencen. 根据;证明;迹象;痕迹;证据
  • individualadj. 单个的;单独的;个人的;独特的;有特色的;独创的;供一人用的;个性的;个人(或个别事物)特有的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • evidentadj. 明显的;显而易见的
  • dividendn. 红利;分红;股利;被除数;收益;回报;几人(如足球彩票中彩者、公司成员或破产企业债权人)平分的钱款;个人分红份额
  • dividev. 分开;分隔;不同意;使有分歧;除;隔开;将…分配给;分配;为投票(把… )分成两组;被除尽
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • devisev. 策划;发明;想出;遗赠

  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备

  • providern. 供应者;供应物;挣钱养家的人;养家糊口的人

  • Among the items provided by the school for a visual presentation are a desktop computer and loudspeakers.

    2019年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 题设
  • Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.

    2017年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Authentic fire gear (服装) is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco.

    2017年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Bookcrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book.

    2016年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
  • But he is providing a few years during which the farmers will, perhaps, be able to find other means of adapting.

    2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • Chimps tend to provide food for their children.

    2016年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读B 选项
  • Depending on the type of allergies and/ or dietary requirements, an extra charge may be made for providing special food.

    2016年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Everyone enjoys the life-saving benefits vaccines provide, but they'll exist only as long as everyone shares in the risks.

    2017年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
  • Farecard machine are in every station, bring small bills because there are no change machines in the station and farecard machine only provide up to $ 5 in change.

    2014年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • First, sport programs can provide youth with opportunities to be physically active, which can lead to improved physical health.

    2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读表达 原文
  • Hannah's place is divided into several areas, providing shelter for people when it is so cold that sleeping outdoors can mean death.

    2017年高考英语北京卷 完形填空 原文
  • He provided him with painting materials.

    2017年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读A 选项
  • Here's how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone, who led the team, described the experiment: in their cages the monkeys were provided with touch screens.

    2019年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • His comprehensive surveys have provided the most explicit statements of how, and on what basis, data are collected.

    2016年高考英语江苏卷 单项填空 原文
  • I guess the answer is, we were fighting for survival, protecting and providing for those we loved.

    2015年高考英语天津卷 阅读表达 原文
  • If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you're doing it now, then listen up! working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.

    2018年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 七选五 原文
  • If you're serious about wanting to live healthy lifestyle, it's extremely important to surround yourself with people who'll provide you with the proper emotional support.

    2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文
  • In the weeks that followed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind provided correct at every step.

    2016年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • Instead of promoting the idea of college as a passage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility, universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.

    2016年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • Instead, he says, firms should provide a plain-English version of their terms.

    2016年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
  • It can provide students with instant feedback, including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.

    2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • It provides a dozen definitions of a key term for us to find the heart/core of the matter.

    2016年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • It provides awards for running new businesses.

    2019年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读A 选项
  • It would provide true and objective information.

    2019年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读B 选项
  • It's even harder to provides energy.

    2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 任务型阅读 原文
  • Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course, and there will never be more than 15 participants in each class.

    2016年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Perhaps evolution provided human babies with curiosity and a natural drive to explain their worlds, and adult scientists simply make use of the same drive that served them as children.

    2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
  • Second, youth-sport programs have long been considered important to youth's psychosocial development, providing opportunities to learn important life skills such as cooperation, discipline, leadership, and self-control.

    2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读表达 原文
  • Several others checked the instructions and made something according to one of the model plans provided.

    2016年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读B 原文
  • Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure, providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta.

    2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • Students are provided with a combination for their room door locks upon check-in.

    2015年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch which consists of a sandwich, a drink and a dessert.

    2016年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Students must provide their presentations on CDs before Friday, March 23.

    2019年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Summer company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3, 000 to start and run their own summer businesses.

    2019年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Surrounding yourself with people who'll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial while working towards reaching health and fitness goals.

    2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文
  • That is happening in the UK and singapore, where government-provided driverless vehicles are being launched.

    2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
  • That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: connecting to the community as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services provides a real joy.

    2019年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读B 原文
  • The courses and on-line classroom are provided by the ministry of education.

    2016年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • The on-line classroom provides an innovative, relevant and interactive learning environment.

    2016年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • The researchers note that attention should be given to \training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they do experience\.

    2015年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
  • The shade of the forest trees provides a home for birds and other special that depend on the trees' flowers and fruits.

    2015年高考英语陕西卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文
  • The walk provided her with spiritual comfort.

    2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读D 选项
  • They also provide educational programs or fire safety in the residence hall.

    2018年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.

    2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • They no longer provide free services.

    2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 选项
  • They were not provided with adequate equipment.

    2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • This method provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s.

    2018年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • This year, 25310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year, according to statistics on university entrance provided by the university and college admissions service ucas.

    2015年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
  • Through the years, I'd run into former students who would provide updates on old classmates.

    2017年高考英语全国卷2 完形填空 原文
  • Using technology to provide students with current information: and?

    2016年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
  • Volunteers are provided with concrete advice.

    2015年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 选项
  • What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them; and with this as the primary object, ideas of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility were neglected to the point of disappearing.

    2015年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • While we should provide \safe spaces\ within colleges, we must also make it safe to express opinions and challenge majority views.

    2016年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
  • Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom.

    2018年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

12年出现 79

  • 51%

    v 提供; 供应

  • 49%

    v 作准备; 预防

  • v. 提供; 供应


    give something useful or necessary to


    • A fair Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, mail facilities were set up in dozens of col nations across the country in the two weeks that USPS was unable to provide street delivery.


      [2019年 CET4 阅读理解]
    • Online CBT programs have been gaining popularity, with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer.


      [2019年 CET4 阅读理解]
    • These stages will span sectors, take people to different cities, and provide foundation for building a wide variety of skills.


      [2019年 CET4 阅读理解]
    • She told BuzzFeed News that her freshman chemistry class required her to use Connect, a system provided by McGraw Hill where students can submit homework, take exams and track their grades.

      她告诉 BuzzFeed News,大一的化学课要求她使用麦格劳·希尔(McGraw Hill)公司提供的 Connect 系统,学生可以在该系统中提交作业、参加考试并跟踪成绩。

      [2018年 CET4 阅读理解]
    • They want jobs that provide security and flexibility, and they place relatively little importance on high pay.


      [2018年 CET4 阅读理解]
    • UK researchers found moving to a green space had a sustained positive effect, unlike pay rises or promotions, which only provided a short-term boost.


      [2018年 CET4 阅读理解]
  • v. 作准备; 预防


    make adequate preparation for a possible event


向前, 在前



  • profuseadj. 过多的;极其丰富的;挥霍的;浪费的
  • prohibitv. 禁止;禁止某人做某事;阻止;使不可能
  • prominentadj. 重要的;卓越的;著名的;突起的;凸出的;突出的;显著的;显眼的
  • proportionn. 部分;份额;比;比例;面积;大小;体积;均衡;相称;调和
  • productionn. 生产;制造;出示;拿出;提供;制作;监制;产量;发生;采集
  • procreatev. 生育;生殖;繁殖
  • proscribev. 禁止;谴责;宣布…为不法之徒
  • promisen. 允诺;诺言;承诺;保证;可能;前途;指望;出息
  • programn. 节目;计划;节目单;程序;编码指令
  • protractv. 延长;拖延
  • profaneadj. 世俗的;渎神的;亵渎的;不敬神的;不谙宗教仪式的;未受秘传的;污秽的
  • promotev. 加强;增进;促进;晋升;提升;提拔;宣传;推销;促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(催化剂)更活泼
  • provocationn. 挑衅;激怒;刺激;性挑逗;激发试验
  • processionn. 游行队伍;行列;圣灵流出;游行;列队行进;竞争不激烈的赛跑;连续;一(长)列;一(长)排
  • propelv. 推进;推;刺激;驱策;推动
  • proclamationn. 公告;布告;宣言;声明;宣称;正式宣布;广泛宣告
  • pronounn. 代词
  • proverbn. 谚语;俗语;常言
  • provincialadj. 省的;京都大邑以外地方的;外省的;外地的;低俗的;思想褊狭的;偏执的;乡气的
  • prosperityn. 繁荣;昌盛;成功
  • protectv. 保护;防护;维护;保护…自然状态;为…保险;备款以支付
  • procurev. 取得;获得;说服;使…做某事;为…拉皮条;给…做淫媒;使…发生;导致
  • processn. 步骤;程序;方法;传票;端突;突起;加工;工序;变化过程;进程
  • productn. 作品;产品;积;结果;产物;物产;产儿
  • provocativeadj. 挑衅的;挑拨的;煽动的;激怒的;刺激的;性挑逗的
  • proceedv. 开始行动;进行;开展;继续;来自;出自;接下去;进而做;起诉某人;对…提起诉讼
  • prosperv. 兴旺;繁荣;成功;蓬勃发展;健康成长;使成功;使兴旺
  • pronunciationn. 发音;发音方法;读法
  • profilen. 侧面;侧影;轮廓;外形;传略;简介;概况;公众关注度;曲线图;数据图表
  • prosecutev. 对(某人;机构)提起公诉;告发;检控;彻底进行;执行;提请公诉;代表原告指控;继续从事;追求
  • propulsionn. 推进
  • proceduren. 程序;步骤;手续;外科手术
  • protestn. 抗议书;抗议;异议;反对;拒付证书;公开示威
  • producev. 生产;制造;引起;产生;招致;出示;制作;导演;播放;播送;使(线段)延长
  • prognosisn. 预后;预测
  • proposev. 提出;提议;建议;向某人求婚;推荐;提名;提交
  • prospectn. 未来事件发生的可能性;可能成功的人;潜在主顾;潜在客户;潜在矿藏或矿床;景象;景色;视野;前景;展望
  • professorn. 教授;讲席教授;信仰表示者;宣称信仰者;大学教师
  • productiveadj. 富有生产力的;多产的;富饶的;肥沃的;富有成效的;有生产力的;生产性的;产生… 的;引起…的;能产的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • proclaimv. 宣告;声明;表明;声称;强调;正式公布…为;清楚地显示
  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备
  • prolongv. 延长;拖长
  • progressn. 前进;行进;进展;进步;上进;巡行;巡游
  • pronouncev. 发音;宣布;宣告;宣称;断言;表示;表态;就…发表意见
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • promptv. 引起;激起;鼓励…往下说;追问;提示;促使…采取行动;提词



  • divisionn. 分;分开;分隔;分歧;争论;除;部分;分界;区分
  • evidencen. 根据;证明;迹象;痕迹;证据
  • individualadj. 单个的;单独的;个人的;独特的;有特色的;独创的;供一人用的;个性的;个人(或个别事物)特有的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • evidentadj. 明显的;显而易见的
  • dividendn. 红利;分红;股利;被除数;收益;回报;几人(如足球彩票中彩者、公司成员或破产企业债权人)平分的钱款;个人分红份额
  • dividev. 分开;分隔;不同意;使有分歧;除;隔开;将…分配给;分配;为投票(把… )分成两组;被除尽
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • devisev. 策划;发明;想出;遗赠

  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备

  • providern. 供应者;供应物;挣钱养家的人;养家糊口的人

  • provide有免费供给的含义。

  • supply则无此含义。

  • afford可接双宾语,一般只用于抽象事物。

  • Leigh Thompson of Kellogg School of Management in Illinois warns that, Teams are not always the answer—teams may provide insight, creativity and knowledge in a way that a person working independently cannot; but teamwork may also lead to confusion, delay and poor decision-making.

  • Eggs provide a unique surface to paint on.

  • What government has not yet found is the political will to put that understanding into full practice with a sequence of smart schooling that provides the early foundation.

  • States fail when national governments can no longer provide personal security, food security and basic social services such as education and health care.

  • The uncertainty of winning provides added attraction and desirability through emotional ‘thrills.

  • SimpliSafe provides devices that are able to distinguish incidental radio interference from targeted jamming attacks.

  • In addition, parents and teachers can help children by providing explicit instruction regarding the mind as a learning machine.

  • Crews have managed to provide heat packs and blankets to the miners so that they can keep warm during the rescue operation, Verfuss said.

  • They can do more than providing money.

  • After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, mail facilities were set up in dozens of locations across the country in the two weeks that USPS was unable to provide street delivery.

    2019年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses.

    2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C
  • If that income were better taxed, it might provide the revenue for better infrastructure.

    2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • It's a hobby that I've stuck with and it continues to help me cope with stress at work, provide a sense of order in hectic days, and allow my brain time to solve problems.

    2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Its key objective is to place at the centre of recovery efforts measures that would generate high levels of employment and provide basic social protection for the most vulnerable.

    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Pain relieving creams don't work, but a hot shower, or warm bath can provide some relief.

    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • States fail when national governments can no longer provide personal security, food security and basic social services such as education and healthcare.

    2016年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • The big tobacco companies have always insisted that they are frank with their customers about the dangers of smoking and provide them with enough detail to make an informed decision.

    2016年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • The two patients aboard will be transported to a medical facility that can provide a level of care that is not available at Amundsen-Scott.

    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A
  • Their aim was to provide quality, yet affordable wooden furniture.

    2018年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • These stages will span sectors, take people to different cities, and provide a foundation for building a wide variety of skills.

    2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • They come to the university to provide us with blood samples, to be interviewed, and to help us carry out a whole range of research.

    2019年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • We can't do much to alter sedentary lifestyles, but we can provide consumers with great-tasting products, low in salt, sugar and fat.

    2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

12年出现 115

  • 65%

    v 提供; 供应

  • 35%

    v 作准备; 预防

  • v. 提供; 供应


    give something useful or necessary to


    • The sun provides the lowest cost of production and the cheapest meat.


      [2019年 CET6 阅读理解]
    • Smart phones offer new tools for achieving these ambitions, providing rich data about everyday behaviors in a variety of contexts.


      [2018年 CET6 阅读理解]
    • Both bus tours forbade the use of cell phones but one tour provided digital cameras and encouraged people to take photos.


      [2018年 CET6 阅读理解]
  • v. 作准备; 预防


    make adequate preparation for a possible event


向前, 在前



  • profuseadj. 过多的;极其丰富的;挥霍的;浪费的
  • prohibitv. 禁止;禁止某人做某事;阻止;使不可能
  • prominentadj. 重要的;卓越的;著名的;突起的;凸出的;突出的;显著的;显眼的
  • proportionn. 部分;份额;比;比例;面积;大小;体积;均衡;相称;调和
  • productionn. 生产;制造;出示;拿出;提供;制作;监制;产量;发生;采集
  • procreatev. 生育;生殖;繁殖
  • proscribev. 禁止;谴责;宣布…为不法之徒
  • promisen. 允诺;诺言;承诺;保证;可能;前途;指望;出息
  • programn. 节目;计划;节目单;程序;编码指令
  • protractv. 延长;拖延
  • profaneadj. 世俗的;渎神的;亵渎的;不敬神的;不谙宗教仪式的;未受秘传的;污秽的
  • promotev. 加强;增进;促进;晋升;提升;提拔;宣传;推销;促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(催化剂)更活泼
  • provocationn. 挑衅;激怒;刺激;性挑逗;激发试验
  • processionn. 游行队伍;行列;圣灵流出;游行;列队行进;竞争不激烈的赛跑;连续;一(长)列;一(长)排
  • propelv. 推进;推;刺激;驱策;推动
  • proclamationn. 公告;布告;宣言;声明;宣称;正式宣布;广泛宣告
  • pronounn. 代词
  • proverbn. 谚语;俗语;常言
  • provincialadj. 省的;京都大邑以外地方的;外省的;外地的;低俗的;思想褊狭的;偏执的;乡气的
  • prosperityn. 繁荣;昌盛;成功
  • protectv. 保护;防护;维护;保护…自然状态;为…保险;备款以支付
  • procurev. 取得;获得;说服;使…做某事;为…拉皮条;给…做淫媒;使…发生;导致
  • processn. 步骤;程序;方法;传票;端突;突起;加工;工序;变化过程;进程
  • productn. 作品;产品;积;结果;产物;物产;产儿
  • provocativeadj. 挑衅的;挑拨的;煽动的;激怒的;刺激的;性挑逗的
  • proceedv. 开始行动;进行;开展;继续;来自;出自;接下去;进而做;起诉某人;对…提起诉讼
  • prosperv. 兴旺;繁荣;成功;蓬勃发展;健康成长;使成功;使兴旺
  • pronunciationn. 发音;发音方法;读法
  • profilen. 侧面;侧影;轮廓;外形;传略;简介;概况;公众关注度;曲线图;数据图表
  • prosecutev. 对(某人;机构)提起公诉;告发;检控;彻底进行;执行;提请公诉;代表原告指控;继续从事;追求
  • propulsionn. 推进
  • proceduren. 程序;步骤;手续;外科手术
  • protestn. 抗议书;抗议;异议;反对;拒付证书;公开示威
  • producev. 生产;制造;引起;产生;招致;出示;制作;导演;播放;播送;使(线段)延长
  • prognosisn. 预后;预测
  • proposev. 提出;提议;建议;向某人求婚;推荐;提名;提交
  • prospectn. 未来事件发生的可能性;可能成功的人;潜在主顾;潜在客户;潜在矿藏或矿床;景象;景色;视野;前景;展望
  • professorn. 教授;讲席教授;信仰表示者;宣称信仰者;大学教师
  • productiveadj. 富有生产力的;多产的;富饶的;肥沃的;富有成效的;有生产力的;生产性的;产生… 的;引起…的;能产的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • proclaimv. 宣告;声明;表明;声称;强调;正式公布…为;清楚地显示
  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备
  • prolongv. 延长;拖长
  • progressn. 前进;行进;进展;进步;上进;巡行;巡游
  • pronouncev. 发音;宣布;宣告;宣称;断言;表示;表态;就…发表意见
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • promptv. 引起;激起;鼓励…往下说;追问;提示;促使…采取行动;提词



  • divisionn. 分;分开;分隔;分歧;争论;除;部分;分界;区分
  • evidencen. 根据;证明;迹象;痕迹;证据
  • individualadj. 单个的;单独的;个人的;独特的;有特色的;独创的;供一人用的;个性的;个人(或个别事物)特有的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • evidentadj. 明显的;显而易见的
  • dividendn. 红利;分红;股利;被除数;收益;回报;几人(如足球彩票中彩者、公司成员或破产企业债权人)平分的钱款;个人分红份额
  • dividev. 分开;分隔;不同意;使有分歧;除;隔开;将…分配给;分配;为投票(把… )分成两组;被除尽
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • devisev. 策划;发明;想出;遗赠

  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备

  • providern. 供应者;供应物;挣钱养家的人;养家糊口的人

  • Unfortunately, the current low prices for oil, gas, and coal may provide little incentive for research to find even cheaper substitutes for those fuels.

  • They provide a useful service, said Flack.

  • The most recent one took place last week in Washington, D.C.Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.

  • Some intensive summer programs are very expensive but most of them provide scholarships.

  • Math circles provide students with access to advanced-math training by university professors.

  • In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems such as lung infection or severe sour throat.

  • When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing.

  • The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medical system to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted.

  • It provides a ladder of opportunity for the wealthy.

  • For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod ( ' , 鳕 鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland.

  • Clearly, richer societies are able to provide environmental improvements which lie well beyond the reach of poorer communities.

  • BSkyB, Britain's biggest satellite-television service, already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.

  • All the plans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy to compare.

  • A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those unadaptable and untrained workers.

  • There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision.

  • It provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.

  • Carli says that one of the most significant things about his study is that it provides new early-warning signs for parents, teachers and mental health-care providers.

  • And when it comes to the hyper-connected super-smart world that technology firms are painting for us, it seems that consumers are growing more uneasy about handing over the massive amounts of consumer data needed to provide the personalized, customized solutions that companies need to improve their services.

  • And graduating doesn't even provide any guarantee of a decent job : six in ten graduates today are in non-graduate jobs.

  • Some top institutions like Yale seem to provide first-generation students with more support than they actually need.

  • Our support structure was more like: ‘You are going to get through Yale; you are going to do well,' he said, hinting at mentors ( ' , 导师 ), staff, and professors who all provided significant support for students who lacked confidence about belonging at such a top institution.

  • Other studies show that simply providing the facility for people to compare their energy use with the local average is enough to cause them to modify their behaviour.

  • It's not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population, Rubinoff said, adding that a majority of first-generation undergraduates tend toward options such as online programs, two-year colleges, and commuter state schools.

  • It motivates you more if you know that you've got to provide feedback to a group.

  • What do you actually do and how do you prepare for your job?If sheer numbers provide any proof, Americans’ universities are the envy of the world.

  • Team management provides for this coordination.

  • Asia led the way, with the biggest number from China followed by Japan and India, most European and Asian universities provide an elite service to a small numberof people.

  • \It's not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population,\ Rubinoff said, adding that a majority of first-generation undergraduates tend toward options such as online programs, two-year col

    2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • \They provide a useful service,\ said Flack.

    2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • And when it comes to the hyper-connected super-smart world that technology firms are painting for us, it seems that consumers are growing more uneasy about handing over the massive amounts of consumer data needed to provide the personalized, customized so

    2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Families provide at least as much care as they ever did.

    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours.

    2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B
  • If the method works, it could provide farmers in Botswana-and elsewhere with a low-cost, sustainable tool to protect their livestock, and a way to keep lions safe from being killed.

    2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • If the method works, it could provide farmers in Botswana-and elsewhere -with a low-cost, sustainable tool to protect their livestock, and a way to keep lions safe from being killed.

    2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • It motivates you more if you know that you've got to provide feedback to a group.

    2015年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • It's not only the study of human population, but the populations of non-human species, including viruses like influenza, the bacteria in your gut, plants that you eat, animals that you enjoy or that provide you with meat.

    2017年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Local director Elizabeth Walsh says they provide training and guidance to help unemployed workers find local job opportunities.

    2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Many successful virtual companies provide digital services, such as financial transactions, in the case of PayPal, or means of communication, as Skype does.

    2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C
  • Overall, the strike is an effort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns,such as transparency upon hiring talent and on-set safety precautions.

    2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • Pipitone believes that whole foods provide the best source of protein.

    2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
  • Smith says he'll provide services ranging from formal seminars to on-farm workshops on holistic management, to one-on-one hand-holding and an almost 24/7 phone hotline for farmers who are converting.

    2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Some \expert amateurs\ in the satellite game could provide some inspiration for how to proceed responsibly.

    2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Steinberg pointed out that parental sharing on social media helps build communities, connect spread-out families, provide support and raise awareness around important social issues for which parents might be their children's only voice.

    2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.

    2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • The robots also lean the most efficient and safest passages, and allow engineers and farmers to analyze and better optimize the attributes and tasks of the robot, as well as provide a live stream giving real-time feedback on exactly what is happening on t

    2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
  • There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision.

    2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • This required local governments to provide residential accommodation for older people and supervise care homes run by independent organizations.

    2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

18年出现 70

  • 61%

    v 提供; 供应

  • 33%

    v (~for)作准备

  • 6%

    v 约束; 规定

  • 0%

    v [宗教]使任职

  • 0%

    v (~for)抚养; 赡养

  • v. 提供; 供应


    give something useful or necessary to


    • In Scotland, for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.


      [2018年 英语二 阅读理解A]
    • He could not confide them even to his wife, although they provide the unacknowledged foundation of his fiction.


      [2017年 英语一 阅读理解B]
    • It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience \a refreshing air.\


      [2016年 英语一 阅读理解A]
  • v. (~for)作准备


    make adequate preparation for a possible event

  • v. 约束; 规定


    stipulate in a will or other legal document

  • v. [宗教]使任职


    appoint an incumbent to a benefice

  • v. (~for)抚养; 赡养


向前, 在前



  • profuseadj. 过多的;极其丰富的;挥霍的;浪费的
  • prohibitv. 禁止;禁止某人做某事;阻止;使不可能
  • prominentadj. 重要的;卓越的;著名的;突起的;凸出的;突出的;显著的;显眼的
  • proportionn. 部分;份额;比;比例;面积;大小;体积;均衡;相称;调和
  • productionn. 生产;制造;出示;拿出;提供;制作;监制;产量;发生;采集
  • procreatev. 生育;生殖;繁殖
  • proscribev. 禁止;谴责;宣布…为不法之徒
  • promisen. 允诺;诺言;承诺;保证;可能;前途;指望;出息
  • programn. 节目;计划;节目单;程序;编码指令
  • protractv. 延长;拖延
  • profaneadj. 世俗的;渎神的;亵渎的;不敬神的;不谙宗教仪式的;未受秘传的;污秽的
  • promotev. 加强;增进;促进;晋升;提升;提拔;宣传;推销;促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(催化剂)更活泼
  • provocationn. 挑衅;激怒;刺激;性挑逗;激发试验
  • processionn. 游行队伍;行列;圣灵流出;游行;列队行进;竞争不激烈的赛跑;连续;一(长)列;一(长)排
  • propelv. 推进;推;刺激;驱策;推动
  • proclamationn. 公告;布告;宣言;声明;宣称;正式宣布;广泛宣告
  • pronounn. 代词
  • proverbn. 谚语;俗语;常言
  • provincialadj. 省的;京都大邑以外地方的;外省的;外地的;低俗的;思想褊狭的;偏执的;乡气的
  • prosperityn. 繁荣;昌盛;成功
  • protectv. 保护;防护;维护;保护…自然状态;为…保险;备款以支付
  • procurev. 取得;获得;说服;使…做某事;为…拉皮条;给…做淫媒;使…发生;导致
  • processn. 步骤;程序;方法;传票;端突;突起;加工;工序;变化过程;进程
  • productn. 作品;产品;积;结果;产物;物产;产儿
  • provocativeadj. 挑衅的;挑拨的;煽动的;激怒的;刺激的;性挑逗的
  • proceedv. 开始行动;进行;开展;继续;来自;出自;接下去;进而做;起诉某人;对…提起诉讼
  • prosperv. 兴旺;繁荣;成功;蓬勃发展;健康成长;使成功;使兴旺
  • pronunciationn. 发音;发音方法;读法
  • profilen. 侧面;侧影;轮廓;外形;传略;简介;概况;公众关注度;曲线图;数据图表
  • prosecutev. 对(某人;机构)提起公诉;告发;检控;彻底进行;执行;提请公诉;代表原告指控;继续从事;追求
  • propulsionn. 推进
  • proceduren. 程序;步骤;手续;外科手术
  • protestn. 抗议书;抗议;异议;反对;拒付证书;公开示威
  • producev. 生产;制造;引起;产生;招致;出示;制作;导演;播放;播送;使(线段)延长
  • prognosisn. 预后;预测
  • proposev. 提出;提议;建议;向某人求婚;推荐;提名;提交
  • prospectn. 未来事件发生的可能性;可能成功的人;潜在主顾;潜在客户;潜在矿藏或矿床;景象;景色;视野;前景;展望
  • professorn. 教授;讲席教授;信仰表示者;宣称信仰者;大学教师
  • productiveadj. 富有生产力的;多产的;富饶的;肥沃的;富有成效的;有生产力的;生产性的;产生… 的;引起…的;能产的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • proclaimv. 宣告;声明;表明;声称;强调;正式公布…为;清楚地显示
  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备
  • prolongv. 延长;拖长
  • progressn. 前进;行进;进展;进步;上进;巡行;巡游
  • pronouncev. 发音;宣布;宣告;宣称;断言;表示;表态;就…发表意见
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • promptv. 引起;激起;鼓励…往下说;追问;提示;促使…采取行动;提词



  • divisionn. 分;分开;分隔;分歧;争论;除;部分;分界;区分
  • evidencen. 根据;证明;迹象;痕迹;证据
  • individualadj. 单个的;单独的;个人的;独特的;有特色的;独创的;供一人用的;个性的;个人(或个别事物)特有的
  • providencen. 天佑;天道;天意;天命;(Providence)普罗维登斯
  • evidentadj. 明显的;显而易见的
  • dividendn. 红利;分红;股利;被除数;收益;回报;几人(如足球彩票中彩者、公司成员或破产企业债权人)平分的钱款;个人分红份额
  • dividev. 分开;分隔;不同意;使有分歧;除;隔开;将…分配给;分配;为投票(把… )分成两组;被除尽
  • providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
  • devisev. 策划;发明;想出;遗赠

  • provisionn. 供应;提供;供应量;供给物;条文;条款;规定;神职委任;预备;准备

  • providern. 供应者;供应物;挣钱养家的人;养家糊口的人

  • “给某人提供、供应某物”可以说provide sth. for sb.或provide sb. with sb.。

  • 表示“提供、供应”provide指为某人提供需要或有用的东西,多用于 provide sth for sb 和provide sb with sth 结构中。offer指主动给予帮助等,对方可以接受也可以拒绝。afford多指提供抽象的东西,可后接双宾语。supply尤指长时间地定期供应所需或想要之物,多用于 supply sb with sth 和 supply sth to sb 结构中。

  • The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more ( ' , and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways.

  • The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy.

  • He has failed to understand that monarchies have largely survived because they provide a service – as non-controversial and non-political heads of state.

  • Enough of the implications are discernable, even obvious, so that the justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.

  • It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience “a refreshing air”.

  • The anticipation of possible shifts in demand provided by this study is significant: It gives a basis to all organization which seek to promote the learning and very different operating environment.

  • Officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in arranging meetings simply because an individual or group provides a campaign donation or a personal gift.

  • He could not confide them even to his wife, although they provide the unacknowledged foundation of his fiction.

  • But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.

  • A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure \gender parity\ on boards and commissions, provide a case in point.

    2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • But that message did not play well with many in Iowa, where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state's electricity generation – and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power t

    2018年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • Enough of the implications are discernible, even obvious, so that the justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.

    2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • He has failed to understand that monarchies have largely survived because they provide a service—as non-controversial and non-political heads of state.

    2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate  depiction of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym.

    2019年考研真题(英语二)完形填空 Section Ⅰ
  • In Scotland, for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.

    2018年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide the conditions for sport to thrive.

    2017年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • Last Thursday, the French Senate passed a digital services tax, which would impose an entirely new tax on large multinationals that provide digital services to consumers or users in France.

    2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • Looking back, he is struck that his parents could provide a comfortable life for their children even though neither had completed college when he was young.

    2016年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • Second, paper checks have the advantage that they provide receipts, something that many consumers are unwilling to give up.

    2013年考研真题(英语二)完形填空 Section Ⅰ
  • Sellers that use eBay and Etsy, which provide platforms for smaller sellers, also haven't been collecting sales tax nationwide.

    2020年考研真题(英语一)翻译 Section Ⅲ
  • within companies, the right compensation design can provide incentives for executives to think beyond their own time at the company and on behalf of all stakeholders.

    2019年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
  • You may have a circle of friends who provide constant good humor, help and companionship.

    2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ