Gate receipts will be destined to my foundation.
May be destined to a person's character, it is not easy to change.
If you don't set your own goals, you'll be destined to end up striving for others'.
The mouse may be destined to become a precision tool that professions such as designers use.
There may be an end to our agony, and we may still be destined to attain peaceful and serene bliss.
Major city can cultivate and grow excellent doctor easily, but excellent doctor do not be destined to appear in big cities!
The way of life seems short, but long, a number of years ago, a number of years ago, you came to this world, may be destined to the ordinary.
If the confrontation has crystallized in this latest battle, it may already be heading toward a predictable conclusion: In the long run, the tech companies are destined to emerge victorious.
If the confrontation has crystallized in this latest battle, it may already be heading toward a predictable conclusion: In the long run, the tech companies are destined to emerge victoriously.
Could it be that science, which has long played a minor role in exploration, is at last destined to take a leading role?
But that's a far cry from saying that some people are just genetically doomed to be lackluster and others are destined to be brilliant.
When a cigar falls in love with a match, it's destined to be hurt.
Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy.
In a shed in a Paris suburb police found 900 bottles of wine and champagne destined to be resold to restaurants at a comfortable profit.
Syria, he now says, is the core of the Arab world; Lebanon is destined to be on its side.
So he left, his murals seemingly destined to be forgotten.
You end up dropping out of high school all the while unhappy with this path that will leave you destined to be broke or end up in jail.
Faced with difficulties, I do not have too much time to think about the solutions. My life should be long and complex, but it is destined to be extraordinary!
It USES time travel as a metaphor for fate, with Henry and Clare destined to be together.
I even had a friend tell me that people wouldn't really be interested in what I had written, and implied that I was destined to be humiliated.
Despite such worries, group messaging looks destined to be old hat by the time next year's SXSW comes around.
Because Steve Jobs died at such a relatively young age (56) this is destined to be regarded as a classic.
Most of the specimens are not destined to be displayed, but will be used for research.
They are part of the famous baby-boom generation that is destined to be a cultural force at every stage of its life.
MARIANO RAJOY, a mild-mannered man destined to be Spain’s next prime minister, says he is confident and ready.
Perhaps significantly, he hired me to review the German translations, commenting that if I was destined to be a translator the work would find its way to me.