Referring to a line from Jurassic Park, he adds: "People are too busy thinking about what they can do to think about whether they should do it."
The headlines conjured up futuristic images of armies of clones, or human beings reconstructed from a few cells—a sort of Jurassic Park for humans.
The Agilisaurus is from the middle Jurassic of China.
A scene from the Jurassic age?
Jurassic Park came out on my 10th birthday.
Then, a few years later, Jurassic Park 2 came out.
See "Dino-era Mammal the 'Jurassic Mother' of Us All?"
Image courtesy Jurassic Coast Team, Dorset County council.
Jurassic bark: a non-too smiley dog dresses as a stegosaurus.
LONG BEACH, California - You know the scene in Jurassic Park.
As you can tell from this' Jurassic Park 'shot, so does Steven Spielberg.
This was the closest humanity had come to the discovery imagined in Jurassic Park.
And on your left, you have Tyrannosaurus Rex, a carnivore from the Jurassic period.
"We called it Jurassic Amber Ale or T-Rex Lager or something, and it was pretty good," Cano says.
It's giving us an overview of the high Arctic during part of the Jurassic period for the very first time.
"This is my Jurassic Park," he said at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.
Human may define a geological period in the way dinosaurs — and their vanishing act — helped mark the Jurassic.
Gingkos have no close living relatives, and their ancestry can be traced all the way back to the Jurassic period.
Svante Paabo, of the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, was the inspiration for Michael Crichton’s novel “Jurassic Park”.
来自莱比锡马普协会的Svante Paabo受到Michael Crichton的小说《侏罗纪公园》的启发。
Goldblum also got ring on the finger of Jurassic Park co-star Laura Dern, but the engagement only lasted a couple of years.
His team has detailed the discovery of a similar species, Xiaotingia, which dates back 155 million years to the Jurassic Period.
A more recent piece of science fiction than Shelley's, Michael Crichton's "Jurassic Park", conceived of the resurrection of dinosaurs.
So, this discovery pushes the existence of the Nephila back to the Jurassic Period, making them the longest ranging spider genus known.
In an extraordinary Jurassic Park - style experiment, DNA from a frozen specimen of the extinct giant was used to reproduce their blood.
在一项非同寻常的“侏罗纪公园”(Jurassic park)式的实验中,已灭绝的巨型猛犸象的一个冰冻标本的DNA被用于再造它们的血液。
Half the public also say that if there were a theme park like Jurassic park, they would not go to visit while 40% say that they would.
Some visitors may wonder how the creatures could ever eat enough to sustain their size, but the Explainer's mind is in the Jurassic gutter.
这些庞然大物要吃多少东西才能维持它们巨大身体的需要? 就在一些来参观的游客可能会对此感到好奇时,那些研究恐龙的专家的思绪早已飞回了侏罗纪时代。
A real-life Jurassic Park for extinct creatures has moved a step closer after scientists extracted DNA from the fossilised eggshells of birds
科学家们成功地从灭绝鸟类的蛋壳化石中提取DNA,从而为我们揭示了更为真实的 侏罗纪公园 。
Look at Jurassic Park - great book by Michael Crichton, great movie by Steven Spielberg - but beneath the surface they have very little in common.
When we go back into the late Jurassic, 150-160 million years ago, all the primitive members of these different species are all very similar.
middle jurassic
jurassic period