The pursuit of a fulfilling career involves personal sacrifice.
For many parents, personal sacrifice is involved.
We achieved our success at great personal sacrifice.
The personal sacrifice involved in creating pieces is almost inconceivable.
But after making such a personal sacrifice, would you ever be a Good Samaritan again?
In total, 53% of respondents said they had made some form of personal sacrifice in order to help keep their employer afloat.
And, the not so hidden expense and personal sacrifice needed to manage a large staff 8, 000 miles away have worn down the CEO.
Many Olympic movies have been made, trying to capture those universal themes of excellence, commitment, and personal sacrifice.
It is those Africans who are stepping up - often at great personal sacrifice and even risk, to bring peace, good governance and sound policies to their countries that are the reason for hope.
I made a conscious choice to sacrifice some advancement in order to spend more time with my family and in personal pursuits and activities.
Their taking her home, and affording her their personal protection and countenance, is such a sacrifice to her advantage as years of gratitude cannot enough acknowledge.
But new grads in entry-level career jobs should resist early urges to sacrifice personal time in exchange for a faster climb to the top, warns career consultant Alexandra Levit.
但是职业顾问Alexandra Levit警告说:处于行业入门阶段工作中的新毕业大学生应该克制为了迅速地攀升而牺牲个人时间的冲动。
Pure altruism, we think, requires a person to sacrifice for another without consideration of personal gain.
If you sacrifice too much of your personal life at the start, you risk having a stressful, unbalanced life that's permanent.
A vow of celibacy and the relinquishment of all personal assets hardly seemed a sacrifice.
Pulling away is considered rude and "cold", so be prepared to sacrifice your own personal space for the sake of social courtesy.
We sacrifice our personal lives to our work.
Harvard lecturer Olivia Fox Cabane notes that the strong perception that powerful women are intimidating to men and will need to sacrifice their personal lives may stop women from going after power.
He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good.
We even sacrifice our personal benefits or interests to satisfy the benefits of the group.
They are less willing to sacrifice personal happiness and private ambitions for the sake of the family and children.
Or is it that she is willing to sacrifice her family's well-being for the good of the country and personal ambition?
This could mean that they have to sacrifice their personal growth.
I comfort and thank those women making sacrifice for their family, such as losing personal freedom, doing heavy homework and assisting husband and teaching children.