Mr Bongo made no distinction between Gabon and his private property.
Bongo introduced the situation and current hot-spot issues in Africa.
But Gabon's oil reserves were dwindling and Bongo saw a chance to cash in on another hot commodity.
Members of the Bongo family have become famous for chartering 747s for their Paris shopping sprees.
Ply change is big, board face has bongo package, water proofing property of demonstrative board face is poor.
The case infuriated Bongo and may have influenced his decision to seek medical help in Spain rather than France.
Bongo, ruler since 1967 of the west African country, had been receiving treatment for cancer for more than a month.
Chimpanzees, elephants, buffaloes and a reddish-brown antelope known as the bongo also occur in this protected area.
A timber concession here, a stretch of paved road or a Bongo stadium there, disarmed anyone who objected to his way of doing things.
Mr Bongo, though short, was every inch a Francophile, from his platform heels through the immaculate tailoring to his gravelly-but-grammatical French.
No wonder: Bongo senior was himself installed by de Gaulle back in 1967. Jacques Chirac similarly backed the son of Togo's Gen. Gnassingbé Eyadéma in 2005.
不足为奇的是:早在1967年老邦戈自己是由戴高乐任命的,同样地雅克·希拉克(Jacques Chirac)在2005年支持了纳辛贝·埃亚德马(Gnassingbé Eyadéma)将军的儿子。
Some of his correspondents compare him to Richard Feynman, the free-spirited, bongo-playing Nobel laureate who popularized physics through his books, lectures and television appearances.
后者是极具自由精神的诺贝尔奖获得者。 他通过出版、演讲和上电视普及物理学知识。
Two boys, one of them with a bongo drum, get on and the big boy, with the drum, starts beating on it as soon as the train starts up, and the little boy goes into what passes for a native dance.