Boeing has not published its own FEV estimates.
R & D process with the Italian Institute of Geely MA, Germany's FEV companies;
The effect of content of graphite, FeTi, FeV and FeMo in the coat on hardness of hardfacing metal was also discussed.
探讨了焊条 药 皮中石墨、钛铁、钒铁、钼铁等组分含量对焊条工艺性及堆焊层硬度的影响。
FEV offers engineering services that add value by meeting demanding customer requirements for quality, rapid development and reduced cost.
The FEV Group employs a staff of over 2,400 highly skilled specialists at advanced technical centers in Germany, North America, China and India.
The latest subjects in the Evolutionary Experimentation Program (EEP) are showing some promise after only a single exposure to the modified FEV.