Why? Is it only because tropic zone has a higher temperature?
This indicates that these climatic events exerted influence on sea area around tropic zone.
There are about 190 species of Diospyros in the world. They mainly distribute in the tropic and subtropic zone, especially in East Asia.
The proportion of alien invasive species originating from the tropic zone was close to that from temperate regions. The proportion of alien invasive plants caused by intentional introduction was 39%.
Bozhou lies in south of the North temperate Zone, it is mainly affected by tropic oceanic air mass and polar continental air mass, with a climate of seasonal temperate semi-humid monsoon.
The germplasms of cold tolerance were not only widely existed on tropic, subtropic and temperature zone, but also difference with cold tolerance among plants of one landrace.
The families of these mammals were divided into 10 categories, in which the old-continent-tropic-subtropic and temperate zone is the largest type with 9 families.
其科级分类阶元的分布型为10类。 其中,以旧大陆热带、亚热带和温带分布型为主,次类型者有9科;