1 词典释义:
kids stuff
时间: 2025-01-13 17:05:43
英 [kɪdz stʌf]
美 [kɪdz stʌf]

极容易的事;\小儿科\, 小孩子都懂得的道理

  • But my dad does not like them. He thinks those are kids stuff.


  • Rachel has some great ideas for packing and organizing kids stuff for a trip.


  • Outdoors, Shop Projects, home and Garden, Recreation, Kids Stuff Farm and House, Science.


  • I asked him about the new sign, and he said, "You kids are stealing too much stuff."


  • The father of four posted video clip of his playful venture on Facebook, advising parents to do fun and creative stuff with their kids.

    这位有四个孩子的父亲在 Facebook 上发布了一段好玩的冒险视频,建议父母们和孩子们一起做一些有趣而有创意的事情。

  • The father of four posted video clips of his playful venture on Facebook, advising parents to do fun and creative stuff with their kids.


  • I think it's really important kids have the chance to try loads of stuff, and we were lucky like that.


  • Having kids means buying lots and lots of stuff, including a truckload of toys.


  • I can envision caves, with Neanderthal-type people, caves filled with stuff, and the kids are saying, 'No, you can't throw away my bones.


  • When the kids arrive, they're confronted with lots of stuff, wood and nails and rope and wheels, and lots of tools, real tools.

    当儿童来这的时候他们将会接触到很多东西,木头,铁钉,绳索及轮胎, 以及很多很多工具,真正的工具。

  • And as a developer, I can tell you, I won’t spend time making stuff “for free” when I could be spending that time with my kids unless it’s a labor of love.


  • The time right before bed should be spent doing three things: the stuff you need to do to get ready for the next day, such as getting the kids' backpacks ready; personal hygiene; and relaxing time.


  • Have a lot of kids. No Ocotomom stuff, but the more kids you have, the greater your chances of conceiving twins are mathematically.


  • You can sure your kids will enjoy getting dirty doing crazy stuff involving digging with excavators or operating heavy machinery.


  • It's common sense, and kids are smart enough to figure it out: if I want to get to a goal faster, I have to save more... which means spending less on other stuff.


  • Each of my two kids has their own bedroom and plenty of their stuff stays in there where they play a lot of the time.


  • Photo above right: My kids love to collect stuff, so it gathers on this dresser.


  • Then I talked with my college buddy and longtime friend Tim Lovelette, who not only has a garage full of his kids' stuff but a basement full of it, too, which makes both places the stuff of legend.

    后来我和我的大学同学兼好朋友Tim Lovelette聊天,他不仅车库里堆满了孩子的东西,而且地下室都是。让这两个地方都成了杂物的聚集地。

  • Another 3 hours for getting stuff ready for my kids, cooking, cleaning.


  • "All that fun stuff was gone," says Frank LaBoda, 46, a transportation operations manager, who says his wife was so busy with the kids that he started spending more time with the guys.

    Frank LaBoda是一名运输营运经理,46岁,他说:“所有欢乐都已经离我而去了。”他还说,由于妻子忙于照料孩子,于是他开始整日在外面晃荡。

  • Organize your life with a simple calendar (I use Google Calendar) and enter all activities and appointments on this one calendar, from kidsstuff to your own goings on.


  • In the villages, women spend their time doing agricultural stuff, for no pay, or having lots and lots of kids.


  • If you have ever gone to a yard sale, you'd see that there's always a free table. All the stuff you have that belongs to your kids should go on the free table.


  • When she has a problem, or is stressed out with her husband or kids.. she runs out and buys stuff.


  • Sure I care with other kids think of me, but if they base their opinions on stuff like drinking, their opinions are not worth very much.


  • You know kids have a lot of stuff to study these days.


  • Kids love stuff like exploring caves or kangaroo parks.

