Her hair hung limply over her forehead.
《牛津词典》Flags and bunting hung limply in the still, warm air.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》I knock limply on the door and open it.
Diarrhoea, giddy, limply be what to disease get?
A woman brought her pet duck to the vet, he wasn't moving and lay limply in her arms.
They must have gotten tired because towards the end half of them were limply shuffling their feet and arms.
But he stood quite unresisting, yielding his arms limply to the ropes, as though he hardly noticed what was happening.
He lay on his back limply, as though all the strength had gone out of his limbs, and presently I saw that he had fallen asleep.
Chicks1 with straight hair should get in on the action too: The layers will add movement, so your hair won't hang there limply once it's dry.
A gray sweater hung limply on Tommy's empty desk, a reminder of the dejected boy who had just followed his classmates from our third-grade room.
The daffodils which challenge so proudly and splendidly the boisterous March winds are soon shriveled and defeated, limply wrinkling to remind us of the inevitable ravages of time.
The daffodils which challenge so proudly and splendidly the boisterous March winds are soon shriveled and defeated, limply wrinkling to remind us of the inevitable ravages of time.
John backpedaled, retreating into the darkness of the drainage tunnel-the grisly remains of his quarry dangling limply from his forearm, leaving a streak of brilliant purple blood in their wake.