The financial commitment to a district activity is not to exceed one year.
But that was before Real made their huge financial commitment for the new galáctico era.
Is he concerned about McGrady's injuries considering he has made a long-term financial commitment?
A purchase order supposedly verified in writing and attested to by the buyer's bank as a financial commitment of the bank.
"Putting it off" could also work for someone in a dilemma about a major financial commitment, such as buying a house, they say.
Not only is there a substantial financial commitment involved, but also there is a large amount of time and effort invested .
Mitch Kupchak: We didn't feel that based on our depth chart and the minutes that were available that the financial commitment was in line with how many minutes he would probably play.
Creating a gap between her income and spending required a paradigm shift and entailed sacrifice and commitment, but by going into financial lockdown, Nicole gained financial independence.
I have previously expressed my commitment to results-based performance and financial discipline.
Our unshakable commitment to honoring our financial obligations is for the sake of Americans, as well as for those overseas.
This included a commitment not to deviate too far from international banking norms, and to preserve the City's role as a financial centre.
A commitment to universal coverage means, in practical terms, that all people within a country should receive some degree of financial protection from the costs of at least some basic health services.
The future that is beginning to glimmer on the horizon has better rules of engagement in our financial systems and a greater commitment to the common good.
'to have a satisfactory agreement we would need some considerably higher commitment on the financial side by developed countries by the end of the meeting,' Ambassador Serra said.
Owning funds or stocks shows a commitment to building financial security and wealth.
The Geneva meeting will provide an opportunity for all international partners to mobilize the country commitment and financial resources needed to manage this global threat.
The Primus-led group failed to convince the regulator it had the financial capability “to ensure future capital expansion and a long-term commitment to operate the business,” Wu said.
Under China’s WTO commitment, the financial industry’s grace period expired (or was over) by 2006.
This does not imply a commitment from the congress to provide any financial support.
We will focus on a very targeted audience; mainly rotarians who have the financial capacity, commitment and connection to rotary to consider making significant gifts.
Mr Kan resigned to pursue other career commitment. However, he will continue to remain as a non-executive financial consultant to the Group.
The Primus-led group failed to convince the regulator it had the financial capability "to ensure future capital expansion and a long-term commitment to operate the business, " Wu said.
Societal Commitment Benefit humanity through patient care, education and research. Support the communities in which we live and work. Serve appropriately patients in difficult financial circumstances.
European Union leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to help Greece out of its current debt woes and maintain EU financial stability.