Intel's current Celeron processor is the Celeron D.
At the same time, the Intel Celeron processors are designed to compete against processors from AMD.
With the Pentium m processor and Celeron m processor, portions of the bus are turned on only when they are needed.
The Cuban PCs have Intel Celeron processors with 80 gigabytes of memory and 512 RAM and are equipped with Microsoft's Windows XP operating system.
这台古巴电脑配有Intel赛扬的CPU, 80gb硬盘和512 MB内存,预装微软的Windows XP操作系统。
The PC8 features an Intel Celeron m processor operating at speeds as fast as 1.5 GHz, and with one gigabyte of DDR memory in an EMI-protected metal housing that supports DINrail mounting.
PC 8采用英特公司赛扬m处理器,操作速度为1.5 GHz,带有1g的DDR内存,安装在防电磁干扰的机架上,支持DINrail安装。