James Bentham, a co-author of the research from Imperial College, London, says the global trend is likely to be due primarily to improvements in nutrition and healthcare.
Co-author Mathew White, from the University of Exeter, UK, explained that the study showed people living in greener urban areas were displaying fewer signs of depression or anxiety.
As Herman Engleheart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, "the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and can disappear again."
Ms Del Ponte was wise to ask Chuck Sudetic to act as her co-author.
The polarisation can be rotated 360 degrees, "explained co-author James Chon."
极化能在360度方向内旋转。“合作者James Chon解释说。”
Dr. Memish is a co-author along with several Centers for Disease Control flu experts.
“That’s forbidden,” said study co-author and Stony Brook University biophysicist Koon-Kiu Yan.
"That's forbidden," said study co-author and Stony Brook University biophysicist Koon-Kiu Yan.
The report's co-author Tom MacMillan said: "Public awareness of water scarcity remains low.
这篇报道的另一个作者,Tom Macmillan 说:“公众的水资源稀缺的意识并不高。
At Columbia, she met her future husband, Vincent Reinhart, who is now an occasional co-author with her.
Study co-author Jacob Vigdor said the findings suggest access to computers can harm children's learning.
研究合著者Jacob Vigdor说结果显示使用电脑危害儿童的学习能力。
Co-author Anthony Ricci, PhD, associate professor of otolaryngology, was responsible for this step of the work.
The gender differences just sort of leapt out at us, " says co-author Michael Ross, a psychology professor.
And an apology does not necessarily signal remorse, adds co-author Madan Pillutla of the London Business School.
“Consumers want perfect foods,” said Shirley Van Garde, the now-retired co-author of the Oregon State study.
For their study, Mr Jennings and co-author Professor Jason Rohr gathered data on 48 species from nine genera.
在他们的研究中,Jennings先生及合作者Jason Rohr教授一共收集了9个属中48个种的数据。
Tom Peters (born 1942) was the co-author of what was for over 20 years the best-selling business book of all time.
“That’s the time wasted above and beyond just being able to make the trip,” said David Schrank, co-author of the report.
Such predictability is why studying "men's preferences [in women is] very boring," study co-author Penton-Voak said.
He would, if his sharp-tongued co-author Anna Schwartz is any clue, have condemned the bank bailouts of recent years.
“One way he does this is by setting up common enemies,” says Alessandro Trocino, co-author of a recent book on the League.
The crab march "completely disrupts most people's daily lives," even shutting down major roads, study co-author Turner said.
I think that's a possibility down the road, "said co-author Dr." Thomas Perls of Boston Medical Center, in a press conference.
Its scientists are increasingly collaborating with those abroad: 30% of scientific papers by Brazilians now have a foreign co-author.
Dr Danziger’s co-author, Jonathan Levav of Columbia University in New York, wonders whether the law should consider similar arrangements.
That context is what Stephenson and his co-author and adviser, ut Austin psychologist Cindy Meston, were interested in investigating.