The radioactive debris is produced when the core is exposed above the coolant water level and overheats.
Towns near Fukushima have responded cautiously to plans to build temporary storage sites for massive quantities of radioactive debris generated by the accident.
In 1978, a nuclear - powered Soviet satellite plunged through earth 's atmosphere and disintegrated, scattering radioactive debris over parts of northern Canada.
Hydrogen explosions at four of the buildings at the six-reactor complex in the first few days destroyed some of their roofs and walls and scattered radioactive debris.
However, it's highly unlikely the tsunami-generated debris would be contaminated with radioactive material, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine debris program.
32 radioactive sources were buried under debris during the quake. So far, 30 have been recovered by authorities, and the other 2 have been located.
Where space debris or radioactive or chemical pollution has resulted, international liability for space environmental damage is established.