Lots of people use grep.
Show only the matches with grep.
Auditing You can do grep on querylog.
List the files and grep for the inode.
To correct that, I added an extra grep call.
The grep utilities: A real-world example
grep 工具:一个真实的例子
Examples of the former include sort and grep.
Next, request the MapReduce job for grep.
接下来,请求用于执行 grep 的 MapReduce 作业。
Which files contained the lines found by grep?
XGrep is a grep like utility for XML documents.
To do so, execute ps –ef | grep oninit command.
为此,执行 ps –ef | grep oninit 命令。
You can use grep, awk, Perl, and other solutions.
RPM -qa | grep RSH or RPM -qa | grep openssh.
rpm - qa | grep r sh或rpm - qa | grep openssh。
Windows Grep: Graphical text search and replace tool.
Windows Grep:图形化的文本搜索及替换工具。
With GNU grep, there is no difference in functionality.
使用GNU grep,功能上没有不同之处。
There are ways to do this with grep, sed, and perl.
可以通过使用 grep、sed 和 perl 完成此工作。
Using grep in many cases can give you the desired value.
在许多情况下使用 grep 可以得到需要的值。
The aforementioned grep command would yield two matches.
You can also use command line tools such as grep in UNIX.
在 UNIX 中,我们还可以使用诸如 grep 之类的命令行工具。
Map and grep allow a lot of neat techniques. For example.
If that's the case, we can use grep to filter the results.
If you like grep, you won't find any more AIO servers.
Verify that the SNMP daemon is running: ps -ef | grep SNMPD.
检查snmp守护进程是否正在运行:ps - ef | grep snmpd。
This command supports most of your favorite GNU grep options.
该命令支持大部分您所喜爱的GNU grep选项。
Start txt2regex and specify regexps for grep, sed, and emacs.
Listing 2: Find all password files and grep them for Joe.
the command grep -i -E '(\b(of|the)\W+){2,}' test.txt produces
命令 grep -i -E '(\b(of|the)\W+){2,}' test.txt 将生成
Or better still just grep for the sugroups in the defaults stanza.
更好的方法是使用grep只提取出默认值小节中的sugroup s属性。
The grep utility has other built-in options to refine searches.
grep 实用工具包含其他可优化搜索的内置选项。