With your own aeroplane, you fly where and when you want to, often to and from airfields that are not served by airlines.
Because great numbers of people go there, the islanders have built elaborate resorts, developed harbors and airfields, improved the beaches and have expanded sea and air routes.
Other underground airfields might hold more than jets.
Both Britain and France said it had to operate from rough airfields.
We have achieved a great amount of destruction at airfields and air bases.
For several days traffic from the Naples airfields was partially interrupted.
It also began upgrading its airfields in Assam and deploying the Sukhois to them.
They are flying from airport to airport, checking runways and monitoring airfields.
New York, USA has a surprising number of abandoned airfields - directly in and around the city.
The airfields of Gerlinden and Lindental announce that they saw enemy bombers passing the airfields.
Routine searches of Iranian ships and planes at foreign ports and airfields would catch more-and sting too.
On the tactical map you will see cities, ports, airfields and other important objects for your current battle.
Go with two Gravity Stabilizers (Airfields) in case he is making Predator Tanks and does not have enough anti-air.
You can select the airfields, if there are any on the base, by using the unit group icons in the upper left corner.
Three dozen part-finished 787s are lying around airfields by Boeing’s Everett factory north of Seattle, with ten more inside.
The Indian air Force will place multirole Su-30MKI fighter jets on the islands and increase the number of operational airfields.
印度空军将会布署其苏- 30多用途战机于该岛,同时增加其作战空域的战机数量。
It would need to sustain itself in a harsh environment, some 1,400km (870 miles) from the nearest harbour and with few airfields.
他们也要能适应那里的艰苦环境,最近的海港也有大约1400 km(合870英里)远,而且几乎没几个机场。
RNAS Yeovilton has grown to become one of the busiest military airfields in the United Kingdom and is amongst the largest in Europe.
Go with two Gravity Stabilizers (Airfields) since Nod is known for fairly weak units armor-wise and can do tons of damage rather quickly.
With the high activity levels around the Iraqi and Afghani airfields, airspace deconfliction was a major concern of commander and crew alike.
It helps to develop infrastructure, as small airfields are set up in smaller and remoter cities, allowing for more efficient point-to-point transport.
This article introduces the mathematical model of optimal design about airfields position and the mathematical method of seeking its optimal solution.
Planes took off around the clock from any of 13 bases in northeastern India, landing about 500 miles (800 kilometers) later at one of 6 airfields in China.